

  • different people have different stress responses. Some workout better and more focused, some are scatterbrained and can't. I know for me it takes a great deal of focus to get into a lifting session and if i am very stressed that is difficult.
  • I'm with you 100% always had a tough time workign out when really stressed. Everyone I know uses stress as an outlet but I think when you get to the point you are really lifting heavy weight you have to be so focused on your training that stress just derails it. With a very stressful job, a two year old, and a wife with a…
  • I think a 3,000 calorie start is a good place for you...actually I may do 2800 if I were you then work up slowly. If you ahve been out of the gym for a while you may be able to take advantage of losing fat and gaining muscle. Enjoy it and work your *kitten* off...it won't last long. You get a wonderful window where that is…
  • i'm not attacking...rather just genuinely curious.... are you morbidly obese? Like 100+ pounds to lose or so? what kind of doctor are you seeing for this? Just a gp? I'm curious about the VLCD...I have put some on them in instances of extreme urgency...as in "you're 400+ pounds with diabetes and you need to lose weight…
  • that's a typo...just so noboby freaks out 2 of my 5 or 6 meals a day are shakes. Not 2/3 lol
  • protein is just food. It is just a processed, powedered food. Feel free to eat it like a food. If it fits your macros and calories go right ahead and have that shake. Usually 2 out of my 3 meals a day are shakes. The only time it can be an issue is sometimes people who want to lose weight will start just consuming shakes…
  • Oh man that's no good. Unfortunately there isn't a lot you can do except buy better protein. I would highly recommend trutein by trunutrition sciences. It tastes amazing. Honestly a terrible product you won't be able to mask unless you add a ton of peanut butter and high calorie "stuff".
  • yeah that is what I do when I diet...and even now when I am gaining weight for convenince. They also have their isology powder which is 120 calories and 30 grams of protein. You probably wouldn't have to even use a whole scoop. trutein has 125 calories and 25 grams of protein so it's a pretty good profile and won't kill…
  • what is your weight currently? what is your current bodyfat roughly? i think I can help give you a better idea of calorie levels
  • if you are eating less than you burn you will lose weight...you don't have to believe MFP...it's concrete science. Now here and again you have the extremely rare situations of people with various metabolic issues where the equation is a little more complex. BUT...for 99,9999% of the people it is as simple as you eat in a…
  • it depends on your budget. If you are looking for it as a meal in a smoothie I'd suggest enjoying your meal. If you want to enjoy your meal you only have one choice (well not really but this is awesome)... trutein by trunutrition The flavor is epic...I mean absolutely epic. I have been taking various protein supplements…
  • most people have this issue with various bodyparts from elite bodybuilders to regular people trying to lose weight. It IS possible...you can have a perfectly flat stomach...heck you could have a 6 pack if you want! But...it will take time...and you will have to get quite lean. I'm working with a female now who has the…
  • i think your a little sensitive. Shocking words from your garndma would be she's a coke and meth dealer and wants you to work for her. The age thing is funny...just laugh at that. number 2 is right on IF you are a person a of faith. Meaning if you are a strong Christian or Jew or Muslin and that is honestly the most…
  • gosh no wonder so many new people around here get confused...we make this way to confusing. This whole "eat back your calories" thing is for the birds. If I were you I would use Katch McCardle to help find you baseline calories forget eating back your calories or eating more or less on workout days vs nonworkout days. Your…
  • I'm not sure why it has zero for the other fats because you obviously want those but you need saturated fat also. You should not avoid it. The problem is the FDA and other sources have confused people. Greasy, fried food and saturated fats are not one in the same. I guarantee you if you start buying and eating a half pound…
  • absolutely! Your body doesn't know if you have a dumbbell in your hand. If the muscle is working against resistance your doing it right. When I work with people I have have moms or busy women to home routines. I basically give them variations of circuit training. Some have built SUBSTANTIAL muscle with a good diet.…
  • any resistance training will work. You don't to go to the gym and have some formal training routine. I was working with someone and honestly they put on substantial muscle with a good diet and doing the below 2 to 3 times a week: 20 bodyweight squats 30 crunches 15 pushups 10 lunges each leg 15 reps shoulder press with…
  • well it depends exactly what you are referring to. The USDA also has a "food plate" which is fairly good for a "normal" person or at least on the right track the old way of grains...ie carbs being the center of your diet is what most people had an issue with that. WHy would a diet be centered around something you don't…
  • Good question... the first part is there is no question the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. That is on webmd and every biology book written since 1910. I won't put a bunch of sources it is clear cut science you can research that part. But it is 100% factual the more muscle you have the more calories you…
  • I also work in healthcare, in medical sales, and honestly I have never seen total cholesterol every calculated like that...ever... To calculate total cholesterol multiply triglycerides by 0.2 Add that number to HDL and LDL For example above 0.2 times her tri's (80) come out to 16 16+ 91+102 = 209 that is the only way in…
    in Cholesterol Comment by flex500 July 2013
  • are you asking if it is ok to go on an excessively low calorie diet if you lift weights? If so honestly I would not take that approach...it's not sustainable and there is just no reason to go on that low of a calorie diet. If you are asking if you should lift weights or do resistance training i would emphatically say yes.…
  • you really can't pull conclusions from that. There are plenty of "healthy" foods that if I only ate those all year i would be in piss poor health. Plus you don't know what the cat ate. What if he was only eating mostly fries? If you only ate sweet potatos every day your health would be in catastrophic shape and sp are…
  • I love it. I actually take this... http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/clabs/orange-oximega-greens.html I do three servings a day. I love "green drinks" and this one doesn't taste too bad. As far as detoxing...eh...I don' t even really know what is meant by that and truthfully I don't think others do either. I do say it has…
  • I'll be honest I'm not familar with doing IF that way. The way I am familar with is you eat your calories everyday but after a 18 hour or so fast. For instance... 9pm to 4pm or 5pm the next day (so for example at 9pm on monday you stop eating and don't eat until 4 or 5pm the next day) So then you have a 3-5 hour eating…
  • well I'm not going to say those words to you because as the above poster said you are not going to be gaining muscle eating so little and running like that. In fact I'd almost bet you've lost muscle more than anything. Are you specifically eating 1200 total calories or is that your "net calories"? When did your weight loss…
  • Honestly this whole "eat your calories" and "net calories" business messes so many people up. I can't understand for the life of my why MFP uses this formula. you are so much better off having a set calories limit and hitting it. Use katch mccardle. You can search "katch mccardle calculator" in google and try it. The key…
  • it's your measuring insrument
  • a protein shake is a processed, powdered, food product in a tub for your convenience. Nothing more...nothing lower. It's just powdered, processed food. It's not inherently good or bad. If you like the convenience of a shake and need more protein by all means have at it. But it's nothing special or necessary.
  • whey is a powdered, processed, food product packaged in a tub for convenience. That's it. That being said I have a shake sometimes 1 to 3 times a day due to my work schedule. The answer is you do need to have protein in your diet you do NOT need whey protein but it can be a nice convenience item.