

  • Yeah, I'm in. I think I need to challenge myself to get back down to my lowest weight again. My hubby is in a challenge at his work to lose weight. I needed a kick in rear too! ;-D Thanks for thinking of this!
  • That's great!! I know how you feel. I've lost 155lbs myself. I'm at my goal weight though, and believe me when I tell you that maintaining is a challenge too. Keep up the fabulous work- for yourself, your kids, significant other, and for all those around you. I've had tons of people tell me that I've inspired them. That…
  • Gmom, I have to commend you on your decision to do this without surgery or drugs! So many out there think that the quick weight loss or lipo / lap band is the way to go, but I've also seen people take off pounds only to put it back on again. I know that you can do this! Let me tell you that I have found that without…
  • People who say realaty, instead of realty. Realator instead of realtor. Say it like it's spelled people! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I know in running that with flat feet you need special shoes with extra support under the arch to keep your feet from hurting. I haven't done kickboxing but I imagine it's high impact like running. Maybe you should look at new shoes, with the supports? Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Don't eat just before going to bed! That sits in your body and just turns to fat because you don't use the energy! Not even milk! If you're not as hungry today, don't sweat it. Your body tells you when to eat. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • After 3 kids, I just had to make up my mind to finally do it and stay with it. You have to find something that you will stick with, and get a support system in place. You can friend me or others on MFP and email, blog, whatever if that's the only motivation you can find. Also, I know you worry about your addictive…
  • For me, it started when I was pregnant with my first child (I have 3 now) and I started allowing myself to eat ice cream every day, and basically whatever I wanted when I was preggie, because I was ALLOWED to gain weight. I didn't listen to my hubby, to my doctor, who tried to tell me that I might be gaining too much…
  • That's terrific! You look amazing! I've lost almost 130 myself, and I know I feel great. It's so nice not to have to drag around all that extra weight. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Welcome to MFP! This site has helped me a lot. There are a lot of useful tools on this website, and tracking your calories is a great way to start. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Amanda, I've been where you are now. I have 3 beautiful children and though I love them and wouldn't trade them for the world. I felt like they wrecked my body. I was thin before the kids, then when I got pregnant, I gained a ton a weight- and with each one I gained more! It's great that you are losing the weight now, so I…
  • How about water aerobics? It's very low impact, but from what I've heard it's a good workout. My dad did it for a while before he moved. I know a lot of older people (not that you are) that can do that. I know we're coming up on winter. Maybe you could find an indoor pool that has a class?