Need some encouragement

When I fist joined MFP I was so happy. I was getting into a ruitine and I lost about 7 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. sine then I have gotten busy. I haven't been able to work out as much. It's hard to find time when you have a 14 month old. And I have no place to work out at at my parents house (I live here Tue-Fri). On weekends I don't really work out because I am always running around doing weekend things.

So, I went to a wedding Saturday. When I tried on my dress when I bought it, I was feeling great about myself because I was losing weight. And on Saturday I put it on and just felt disgusting. I was completely depressed most of the day because I felt like I looked repulsive, and had no business wearing such a pretty dress when I make it look ugly.

I'm really trying. I want to be skinny and have the confidence I did pre-pregnancy. But I look in the mirror and get upset. I beat myself up for not finding a way to work out. It's starting to take a toll on mine and my SOs relationship. I just hate everything about myself now.


  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    it took time to put on the weight and it takes time to get it off. Remember that when you're thinking:

    Damn... ANOTHER salad???

    It can be done... try setting short term goals, like daily (or even hourly if necessary), then extend them to weekly, monthly, etc...

    I lost 50+ pounds on LA Weight Loss without exercising. It was HARD and took a VERY long time, but I did it.

    GL... HTH.
  • MandeeSue
    MandeeSue Posts: 153
    First congrats on the 7 lbs. that is something to be pround of. Listen we are all human and make mistakes. I know what you mean about finding time. I have a 9 month old son, who is now into everything ! And with my husbands schedule I hardly ever get to work out. And this past weekend I made a lot of mistakes with eating...But everyday is a new day, and we have to start over. Someone on here told me that it's not a diet, but a lifestyle change...and that takes time to change. Hang in there...You have come this far now, don't give up. Think the the reasons you want to lose weight and focus on that. For me, my motivation is my son. I want to be healthy for him..I want to be able to chase him, without feeling tired or being winded.

    Just remember here on this site we are here for each other....and Im a stay at home mom so if you ever need to talk just send me a msg. You can does this...Just hang in there !!!
  • teracallaway
    i am right there with you. i have a 13 month old so i totally understand. you can do it. just fight through. set small daily goals and you WILL GET THERE. i still wanna eat like i am breastfeeding so i put on weight pretty quick. it takes time to come off. maybe 2 pounds a week is a goal for you. u know you want to do this and that is half the battle. friend me if you need someone.
  • crbirt
    crbirt Posts: 12

    I've been where you are now. I have 3 beautiful children and though I love them and wouldn't trade them for the world. I felt like they wrecked my body. I was thin before the kids, then when I got pregnant, I gained a ton a weight- and with each one I gained more! It's great that you are losing the weight now, so I want to encourage you to keep trying. It's hard to lose weight. If it wasn't, everyone would be thin. Try to concentrate on the weight you've already lost, and use your mind. Think of things you can do to cut calories, and to get yourself and your baby out of the house. Go for a walk, put the baby in the stroller or, one of those pack type carriers. The ones that are next to your body? That will add a little extra to your workout. Take time for yourself. Put the baby in his walker, or the playpen, and work out to a video. You could invite someone over to workout with you if you need accountability to keep going. Don't give up! I've lost 118 pounds now, and I'm not as young as you. You can do this! For inspiration I watch shows like Biggest Loser. If a 400 pound person can lose weight, I knew I could do it!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Good job on your first 7lbs!

    Now... stop with the excuses... I know a lot of single mommies who have from 1-3 kids (of all ages), they MAKE the time for themselves (some of them have recently even competed in miss figure competitions). Hope you'll be able to make time for yourself to reach your goal.

    Also, I know you can do it! If you've done it before, you can do it again... Look at your workout like an appointment! It doesn't have to be complicated. You can walk or even have a DVD of some sweat inducing exercise. Be creative! :) Soon you'll see your 14month old join you!
  • SuzanneBall
    SuzanneBall Posts: 71 Member
    Look in the mirror and find the things you love about your body instead... do you have a cute nose? Are your legs a nice? Do your fingers look pretty to you? Everytime you get down find something that you find beautiful! I bet theres more beauty there than you've allowed yourself to see!
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    Thanks. I'm going to try harder. And as for the walks thing, I would take her on walks but I live in bum**** no where. So I would have to walk in the middle of the road since sidewalks dont exist here lol.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    We all have been there. I look in the mirror one day and get disgusted and the next I feel thin. What you need to do is look at the positive. You have already lost seven pounds. That's great. Now for the real part. We all can find reasons why we don't exercise. We are busy with kids or family and work. There is always an excuse. What you need to do is make it a priority. You have a child. Why not take your child out for a walk in the stroller. The kids love it and its exercise. Or get up early and do some exercise. You don't need special equipment to exercise. Jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups,lifting cans of food for weights they will all work. yes you can grumble under your breath all the time your doing them. Grunt, groan for a while and then before you know you are done and you can feel good about getting that exercise in for the day. YOU CAN DO IT. If you are reading this you can jog in place. You know you can do it. Get going. I'm rooting for you!!
  • DanL66712
    DanL66712 Posts: 135
    Feel free to add me! We all have days where we feel like crap and think that the mirror secretly hates us. But it is doable. You just have to keep plugging away. And trust me, that kid of yours will soon be giving you all the exercise you need as you run around after him!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    the # 1 thing i've learned so far, is weight loss is 80% diet, 10% excercise, 10% genetics...or so Tosca Reno says...everyone has really great advice, from putting your baby in a swing while you do 20 minutes of cardio, to just talking about it when you are having bad days...good luck my dear!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Turn on the radio and dance with your baby. Holding her while you dance (babies love to be dipped!) will burn extra calories too. Take her to a park/playground & let her run so you can chase her. Work your daughter into your workout.
    Expecting perfection from yourself is setting you up for failure. Just be patient, nothing worth having comes easy.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    geez i'm so glad you're my friend just_peachy...i appreciate your honesty
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    We were actually dancing not too long ago. (: We like to jam.