

  • I have horrible stretch marks on my stomach from my son. They are even worse after losing the 50lbs and the skin is loose on top of the stretch marks. I want a tummy tuck soooooo bad!
  • Me too. I thought...duh, get the bike! :laugh: I'd say get the tattoo!
  • How are you eating during the day? Are you eating every 4 hours or so? Or are you starving by dinner time? I find if I eat every 3-4 hours during the day even if it's just a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese I stay fuller and am not so hungry at dinner. I'd also agree with upping the exercise. If you want some shredded wheat and…
  • My dad is a food pusher. I hate being around him for meals. All I hear is "eat something" or "you don't eat enough" or are you hungry...do you want ________" like every 10 minutes. I swear I am not starving...I'm healthy...arrgg...they are the worst!
  • stretch your calves out really good before & after running. And ICE, ICE, ICE!
  • I took the shot for 3 years....gained like 50 lbs. It's EVIL! I also developed a tumor on my ovary and am almost certain it had to be from that shot. I didn't gain anymore after getting off the shot but it took about a year of stopping before the weight started coming off.
  • Thanks! I know I have to keep motivated but it is so hard sometimes. I’ve got 10 more lbs to lose and the scale seems to just sit there and stare at me. It doesn’t move! So on days like yesterday I’m like what does it matter….I’ve got up and ran every morning for 2 weeks and ate right and nothing!!! So eat the damn…
  • I feel your pain! My daughters Birthday is tomorrow. And if the temptation of the food is not enough....I'll have my dad standing over my shoulder saying "you don't eat enough....eat something". Good luck!!! You can do it!!! It's good you are going into it with the right attitude.
  • I've heard it's best to do cardio in the mornings as it gets your metabolism moving. I've also heard it's best to do it around 5:00 as your body temp is highest then. I really don't think it matters as long as you do it! I run 2 miles first thing in the morning...straight out of bed, before breakfast. Then do weights in…
  • Me too. It's like dessert! :smile:
  • LOL! I can only stomach protein shakes if they are mixed with milk. :smile: I do think I could live off cottage cheese though. Cottage cheese & oatmeal, cc & fruit, cc & yogurt. I do love Cottage Cheese!
    in Problem... Comment by heathcox June 2009
  • I think a big part of it is what kind of calorie you are eating. If you fill your exercise calories with empty calories it is probably not real beneficial. But if you use them to eat good healthy foods it will benefit your body, your energy level and metabolism.
  • Thanks. I was afraid rest was the only answer. I really enjoy starting the day off with a run. I’ll have to at least walk. If I get out of the habit of waking up and exercising It will be hard to get back into it. That first week was such a struggle!
  • Here is what I ate/have planned for today. It's also more of 3 meal w/3 snacks. I will sometimes skip the last snack depending on calorie intake for the day. Breakfast 7:00 am ½ cup oatmeal ¼ cup egg whites Snack 10:00 am ½ cup fat free cottage cheese Cup of yogurt Lunch 12:30 Chicken Wrap (small chicken breast on WW…
  • Your body need a certain amount of calories to function. When it does not get these calories it starts hording them (going into starvation mode). It will hold onto it and turn it into fat thinking it is starving. You should try to eat your 1200 calories a day plus what you add for exercise. Your body need this to function.…
    in Problem... Comment by heathcox June 2009
  • Then peanut butter would be the way to go....eggs are much cheaper! :smile:
  • 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese and a tomato....about 80 calories.
  • Peanut butter is more of a fat than a protein. It also has a lot of sugar. It's really not very good for you. I'd do egg whites for protein. The fat is int he yolk. You can buy egg whites in a carton like milk...so easy. You can even microwave it to cook it in one minute. I do this in the office every morning with my…
  • I know it sounds strange but it actually tastes pretty good. I mix 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese in my oatmeal.