

  • That's another thing, most of the time, I don't eat breakfast until most people's lunch time. Then lunch about 3, dinner about 7ish, I'm making them all kinda small, larger than snack sized, well, for dinner anyways, but ya, I just hate to eat at one am...
  • Remember: the body burns 2000 calories at REST, so they're gone. Just worry about hydrating & make sure it doesn't become a habit! :)
  • I can do it. I just posted a thread asking people if they HAD a cutoff time or not lol! I'll make mine NINE, with PLENTY of water after (I have a nighttime work out habit lol) & maybe later on the weekend?
  • Mine's an open book. I started on here via phone app & had no idea you even COULD lock it, let alone who's paranoid enough to do it lol. The fact that one could be opened with a password is even more ridiculous imho, I mean, it's a food diary. I'm not gonna memorize the secret code to what someone EATS??? Hardly makes…
  • adore this. HOWEVER, I'm wondering WTF I ate to gain 15 in 2 months! LMAO!!! (I was injured in a robbery, & was a bit laid up, but that seems like a LOT to have to eat, hmmm I damaged my lymph nodes in the beating, wonder if that had something to do with it)
  • Rum & diet, but I drink MAYBE once a month, 1 or 2 drinks max, but this holiday weekend, I did it TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW! Ugh,,,anyways, after abstaining from soda pop for so long, the drink was CRAZY sweet, EW!! Anyways, I had a bud light too the second night, but I had exercised like crazy & hydrated like crazy before the…
  • I literally go to the bathroom #2 about twice a week if lucky (TMI I know, but LOOK at the TOPIC!) I've been looking into colonics, NOT a do it yourself stupidly expensive way to buy fiber, but an actual pull it all out by a trained professional colonic. They suggest there can be as many as 8-10 meals in there at any given…
  • ya, I don't have a before & after pic, but I CAN tell you I'd do it again & again & again & again in a heartbeat. HURTS like hell, & I have a HORRIBLE scar that goes hip to hip, but I was a size 11 & a size 5 under the saggy skin! Now THAT was in 2003 (Dec) & by 2006 I was in a zero. I went from having a 2yr old & a 6…
  • I'm 5'4" and weigh 150. I used to weigh 120, & was comfortable, any smaller & I'd lose my chest & hips & butt LOL! I just want my old body back...I was hurt back in Feb, & all the sudden without realizing it I was 15 lbs heavier, & at THAT point I was in the process of losing ten, so I decided to go all out & just redesign…