novembersuse Member


  • That puts me well to shame! :smile: So far I've found that the trickiest bit is trying to make sure my gym gear is washed and dry by the next day, haha
  • Oh thanks, that looks really cool. Every day for a year?! THAT is impressive! Has it made a difference?
  • I love outdoors running, especially really early or late when the streets are deserted. For me it's a good discipline that once I've run 20 mins, I need to do another 20 mins just to get back home... :smile:
  • Yeah, I will include yoga/balance classes. I suppose it's designed to be excessive though, because it's a short-term one-off push.
  • Aw, thanks everyone! That's all good to hear. I'm definitely of the belief that if you just eat less you'll lose weight. And it's nice to know I'm not alone in that :smile:
  • I'm trying to lose about 40lb as well, and I've drawn a wee grid on a post-it and keep it on me. In each box I put lbs, starting from the top down to my goal, but every 4 or 5 lbs, the box contains a reward, which I cross off as I go. So at the moment, I've lost 3lb, and when I lose two more, I get to buy a lipstick I've…
  • I'm always trying to slow down. By the time I get to meals, I practically inhale them, I'm so hungry. Lunchtime sandwiches are ALWAYS gone in under 5 minutes. I think you're right though, if I could pace myself it would seem to go further...
  • I live in an upper flat, so out of consideration (embarrassment) for the people below me, I don't do anything at home. I do have a hula hoop though - that works if you clear a bit of space :smile:
  • Yes! Apparently it includes unlimited vegetables (I should have listed that) because everyone did grow their own, and unlimited bread if you bake your own (which I won't.. but I might buy one loaf for the week). It seems like it might be quite a stodgy diet, but with little portions. I think it might have been easier to…
  • Glad it's not just me :) I will never understand why mindlessly watching rubbish on telly is preferable to doing something I love and enjoy and reap benefits from. I suppose the trick is to just keep on forcing it. I find before work much easier than in the evenings, but if I need to go at night, I put my running gear on…
  • The whole point of MFP is for support and motivation. If people didn't struggle, and fail, and start again, and fail again, and keep going and keep trying, there would be no MFP and everyone would be fit and slim and at their optimum health. Human beings are falliable, and losing weight is tough. Maybe not for you, for…
  • Urgh, that's unbearable! What a horrible experience. Just see it through until you can leave, then don't look back :)
  • I know what you mean. I find that my face definitely shows it if I cut out alcohol, and slims down before anywhere else. And when I cut out carbs, that's when I notice a difference to my stomach which gets a bit flatter.
  • I think brushing your teeth is the best measure! The evenings are absolutely the hardest time of day. When your hunger has been building up all day, and you suddenly have a bit of time on your hands. You could try logging things on your diary before you eat them (easier said than done, I know). Or make sure you don't have…
  • I completely agree. People gain weight through long-term habit and a million other factors that lead us to over-eat and not move around enough. Her little circus experiment no more demonstrates the facts of weight gain and weight loss than smoking 100 cigarettes and then stopping demonstrates the struggle with smoking.
  • I totally agree! It's infuriating, because I find that MFP makes a massive difference to my determination, and I trust it and rely on it. It's really frustrating to be told all the time that all my exercise logging is lies! :)
  • I think just accept it. If you're losing weight consistently, then you obviously know what you're doing and it's working. I get days like that. You can be good day after day, and then one day you just eat everything in sight. I think that a day of bingeing will no more ruin your regime than a day of fasting will make you…
  • I skip breakfast. I always find that when it comes to lunchtime, I'm ravenous whether I've had breakfast or not. So I may as well skip it, and it leaves extra calories for the evening.
  • Really well done on such a great start! You're obviously doing something right :) Apart from all the other good advice, give yourself a chance to adjust to eating differently. Your hunger levels will catch up with your willpower before too long.
  • Same here. I have tricks that can stall me a bit - paint my nails, brush my teeth, look at pictures of celebs and think 'I bet she's not thinking about junk food'...!
  • Absolutely! Alcohol goes with crisps and junk food, and hangovers go with full-fat Coke and junk food. I've been off since NY, and am also keeping an eye on how much money I save... :)
  • That's quite respectable! Those horrible pasta things you make in a cup are quite low-cal, or a cuppa-soup and pitta bread? Supermarket lunches are a nightmare though...
  • I do a kind of makeshift pizza which is always yumcious! A tortilla wrap as the base, homemade tomato sauce, load it up with veggies or whatever you like, half-fat mozzarella and oregano. It's no Pizza Hut stuffed crust pepperoni, but it's a worthy substitute :)
  • I lost 18lb, and put most of it back on. I am convinced though that new weight is easier to lose than old weight. Has to be.... :)
  • I keep deciding to knock it on the head. But last night for example the sun was shining so I went to pub after work and had 2 pints and a glass of wine, then home to eat crisps before I made dinner. If only it had been raining, I would have gone straight home for my stir fry and cut out the bevvy and crisps. :embarassed:
  • I fricking love pizza! I've started making my own to try to keep it a viable option and I use a tortilla wrap as the base, home-made tomato sauce, then load it up with veggies and some low-fat mozzarella with plenty of oregano and chilli. It's brilliant, and is always less than 500 cals. Winner!
  • I completely get that! Just being aware you how far you've come. Well done :smile:
  • That is fantastic! Well done - massively impressive, and I bet you'll be pleased from now on everytime you get the scales out :smile:
  • I absolutely do this! I would always rather go running before work, and then enjoy the smugness of knowing I can have a treat or two throughout the day and maybe a glass of wine, than sleep longer, and then spend the day hungry and deprived and eating rabbit food. And I don't want to hear that 'you can't outrun a bad…
  • Binging on food you 'shouldn't' eat isn't about hunger, it's about craving. Of course you're going to crave things that you enjoy and 'can't' have them. Have them, just have less. You can fit it into your weight loss. And with any luck, after a few times of eating a small portion of fries/1 slice of pizza for dinner,…