

  • thanks guys, think I am going to make it at home, that way I can control whats on it and be able to break it down when I add it to my diary. Now I just have to control myself to one or 2 slices and no beer lol:wink:
    in pizza Comment by worlass July 2009
  • so if I wear the hrm and not exercise but just rest all day should it not show my bmr at the end of the day. never mind the exercise thing, there seems to be a difference in bmr on the hrm and what my bmr should be. wearing the hrm and just doing a regular day, working, driving etc I would expect it to show more than my bmr
  • this is a watch type and is on pretty tight so no chance of it moving around. Also am interested in why deducting from calories burned?
  • yeah I wish for that too, and I HATE doing crunches on my own, theres a lot or cardio even with the sports and upper body a bit of lower but nothing really for the tummy which for us women is usually the place we want to get rid of the jigglies:smile:
    in Wii Active Comment by worlass June 2009
  • :laugh: higher calorie reading mmmmmmmmmmmm now I am definatley gonna get one :laugh:
    in Wii Active Comment by worlass June 2009
  • a HRM is a heart rate monitor you can get them that look like a watch and go on your wrist or other ones that go around your chest. gives you a more acurate calorie count. i dont have one but someone here does and I was just wondering if there is a difference in the calorie count on the HRM and that of the Wii active.…
    in Wii Active Comment by worlass June 2009
  • just wondering does your HRM vary by much in difference between that and the Wii? haha doing housework at 3am I hate housework would sooner do the Wii:happy:
    in Wii Active Comment by worlass June 2009
  • I have had mine for a couple of weeks and find it really helps, although the calories it says I have used after my work out doesnt seem as much as I feel it should, cos I am sweating (lol just shows how unfit I am) although I cannot yet do the pre-set work outs and have to do custom ones as just recovering from knee…
    in Wii Active Comment by worlass June 2009
  • Hi all am pretty new to this site,been on only a few days but in the last weeks have lost 4lb thanks to walking the dog for an hour every day and doing my Wii Active. I do my own custom workouts as I just had knee surgery a month ago so have to take it easy with the lower torso. I too am going to change the band for more…
    in Wii Active Comment by worlass June 2009
  • Hi I am from Halifax Nova Scotia. I just started this about 5 days ago and I love it. I have people from work hooked on it too lol. I work out on my Wii Fit and Wii Active 6 days a week and walk the dog for an hour every day. I really am motivated to do this, I find this site is going to help me:smile:
  • I have been struggling with my wieght since I had children, youngest one is now 27 so thats a long time. I have tried everything you can think off. I have high blood pressure, high cholestrol (under medication) was in a bad motorcycle accident a few years ago and overthe past few years have had a few surgeries. So…
  • Thanks for the welcome guys. I am from Nova Scotia Canada but originally from England. My problem has been not eating enough and not often enough. My blood sugar is borderline. I just graze a lot especially in the evening. But now i have my new netbook and this website I am finding it easier to cope with the evenings.
    in New member Comment by worlass June 2009
  • OK just joined this website a few days ago and i think its great. Been at if for a week and I have lost 3lbs:smile: I have a Wiii Fit i also have the Wii active which seems more intense than the Wii fit. You can use the balance bboard with some of the exercisies. Uses stretchy bands and has loads of workouts you can do or…