Wii Active

Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello Everyone!

Well I finally got me Wii Active last week and started the 30 Day Challenge on Monday and LOVING it!

I would like to start a group for everyone doing the Wii Active or any Wii fitness games!

I need to motiviation and help to not get board. I have been slacking lately and need a pick me up!

Lets do this together!


  • I am so glad to hear that you love it. I have just ordered one and was a little nervous. I have been in a weight loss boot camp for the last 12 weeks. Our final weigh in is on Monday and I too will need encouragement to keep doing well. I have lost 33 lbs in the first 11 weeks and my goal was 35 in 12 weeks, so I actually may make it. I still need to lose 50 lbs in order to get to a healthy weight. As soon as I get my system I will keep in touch. Good luck.

  • So glad to hear you are enjoying it! I got Wii Active at the end of May and I'm currently on workout #15 (I think) and it just gets better! When I really don't feel like working out, I know that I can do a "quick" workout with the Active. It seems to go by much faster than other work outs I do and I love the fact that it's consecutive, not stop and start.
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Hello Everyone!

    Well I finally got me Wii Active last week and started the 30 Day Challenge on Monday and LOVING it!

    I would like to start a group for everyone doing the Wii Active or any Wii fitness games!

    I need to motiviation and help to not get board. I have been slacking lately and need a pick me up!

    Lets do this together!

    This is exactly what I need!! I got my Wii Active a couple weeks ago and have seriously slacked off on working out :grumble:. I am hoping to get back on track this week since I joined another website that has an exercise plan laid out for me for the week. My goal is to follow it and work out on the Active.

    Let me know what you're thinking for a group.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I am not sure what kind of group I am looking to do but up for any suggestions.

    I want this to be a thread where ppl come everyday ( I hope) and tell us what workout you did, how you like it, if it was challenging and if you have a heart rate monitor how many calories you burned.

    But I know we will have the "I dont want to workout today" or cheated or whatever. We are all here on the same journey so why not do it together and make it more fun!!!

    We could even do little challenges!
  • Hi everyone! I am brand new to this site and I really like it! About Active - LOVE IT! I love that there is so many different workouts you can create. It's loads of fun. Did a lot of cardio work today (30 mins) and it was kickin my butt! My legs are so sore from doing legs on it the other day. I have a question though...Has anyone had any problem with getting the remotes to respond to the side lunges? I have to skip the exercise because of that. Also the band that came with the game is a little weak for me. Does anyone have any alternatives? Thanks for any responses. -amy
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Amy: Yes I find that the band is a little weak for me too so tomorrow I am going to try and use my own resistance band and see.

    As for the side lunges....no I haven't had any probs yet. Maybe you are standing too far to the side? do you keep your wii remote up? Try it again and keep doing it until you get it!

    I HATE the inline skating! I can't get it if my life depended on it! Any tips for that?
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    I love the active!

    as far as the remote not responding, i was having that issue, but i moved my sensor bar from on top of my tv to underneath of it, and it seemed to be working today, so i think the bar was too high up, maybe you could try that

    about the inline skating, you cant jump when the screen says jump, wait until your person gets into the green area on the top of the ramp before you jump!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Kel: Thank you so much for the inline advice I will try that when I get it again.

    Well I just finished another day of the 30 Day Challenge and the sweat was just pouring outta me! I am so glad I have a heart rate monitor cuz I burned over 100 more calories then the game said.

    I burned 323 calories in 38 mins! Who says you can't get a good workout from a video game!

    The thing I love the best about the Wii Active is that you never know what workout you are going to do next. My fav is the boxing so far.

    Also today I did use my own resistance band instead of the one that came with it and it still worked! I got a better workout with my own.

    Have a great workout everyone!
  • worlass
    worlass Posts: 21
    Hi all
    am pretty new to this site,been on only a few days but in the last weeks have lost 4lb thanks to walking the dog for an hour every day and doing my Wii Active. I do my own custom workouts as I just had knee surgery a month ago so have to take it easy with the lower torso. I too am going to change the band for more resistance. I LOVE the tennis and volleyball. great to do when your not in the mood for a full workout. Also the cardio boxing. I also have the Wii fit but like this a lot better, you can use some of the Wii active exercises with the balance board. II love doing it so much I would feel guilty if I missed a day. How do you enter the Wii exercises into the exercise log. right now I am just using the low aerobic catagory???
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I was hoping to work out on my active last night but ended up not. :grumble:

    I rode my bike for 2 miles and walked a total of an hour at work during the day. By the time I was done with the bike ride my legs were really feeling the burn. I'm either going to work out on the active before I go for a bike ride or not do them on the same day. I won't be working out on the active tonight as I'm going to my boyfriend's house after work. But I am hoping to get him to either go for a walk with me or go for a bike ride. He works outside all day though so when he gets home at night if it's too hot there is no way he'll go with me.

    I too love the boxing. It's probably my fav! I haven't figure out how to break all of the targets though. I use the same intensity with each of my punches but there are times that the target won't break.
  • Hi All,
    I have a Wii Fit and loved it for a while, but I am beginning to get a bit bored- What is the difference with the Wii Active? Are they similar?
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi everyone! I am brand new to this site and I really like it! About Active - LOVE IT! I love that there is so many different workouts you can create. It's loads of fun. Did a lot of cardio work today (30 mins) and it was kickin my butt! My legs are so sore from doing legs on it the other day. I have a question though...Has anyone had any problem with getting the remotes to respond to the side lunges? I have to skip the exercise because of that. Also the band that came with the game is a little weak for me. Does anyone have any alternatives? Thanks for any responses. -amy

    I had problems alllll the time with side lunges. Try repositioning your sensor bar a little, I know that helped me. Still every once in a while it happens, sometimes you just have to move things around a little.
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I finally got back on the Active today!! I didn't complete my 30 day challenge is 30 days or less so it asked if I wanted to restrart it. I decided to start over. So I completed day one of the 30 day challenge! :smile:

    Since the Active doesn't seem to do any exercises directed at the abs I went on the Fit and did 10 jack knifes, a 30 second plank and 6 push ups and side plank. I hated doing planks and side planks as well as push ups for sports in high school and gym :grumble: still do! But I did them which I can definantly feel now but I'm glad I'm doing them. It's the area I'm most frustrated with on my body.

    Hope everyone's weekend is off to a great start!!
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Completed Day 2 of the challenge and walked .47 of a mile.

    Is anyone still going to check in??
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Amy: Way to go to get back on your Wii Active. Yes I do agree with the ab works so what I think I am going to do is Slim In 6 Slim and 6 Pack video. It is an 11min ab workout and its tough!

    Well I didnt do my workouts this weekend but did house cleaning and yard work.

    Today I did Wii Active and burned 249 calories in 38mins.

    Well have a great workout and its time for me to study for my midterm on friday
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Jenn- Great job on the Active today!! I know how not getting workouts in on the weekend goes, I used to do it a lot. I just was newly re-motivated to start working out so that's why I was on top of my game with that this weekend. Good luck with the 11 minute ab workout. I'm lucky I did what I did. Maybe some day I can do 11 minutes of it :wink: Good luck studying for your midterm!!

    I'll post later with my workout progress.

    Happy Monday!! :drinker:
  • Lisa128
    Lisa128 Posts: 3
    Just bought the Wii Active today for me & my daughter . Can't wait to try! MyFitnessPal is an awesome website.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Just got the Wii active too. Does anyone use the balance board. Going to try it soon too....
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Just got the Wii active too. Does anyone use the balance board. Going to try it soon too....

    I use the balance board with my workouts. Not all of the exercises use it. I haven't tried any of the workouts without the balance board.

    Lisa- Hope you and your daughter like it. My mom won't use the Active but she uses the Fit...or at least she was. She wasn't on it for 20 days and she only went on it today to do a body test lol.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Amy: I do my Wii Active at my bf's where we dont have the balance board and at my moms we do.
    Today I did it at my moms with the balance board for the tennis and I have to say I didnt like it!

    Also I did have trouble with the side lunges and my moms sensor is low but my bf's is high, maybe that is the prob.

    Well I burned 262 calories today in 40 mins.

    Well off to shower and study have a great workout everyone!
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