Wii Active

rcotto25 Posts: 19
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone

Trying to find out how many ppl out there besides myself use the Wii Active and think it helps. Let me know what u think. For me its been good and its like having a personal trainer w/o the payments :mad: although i have a YMCA membership (which i plan to take full advantage when my son gets here :laugh: ) its still a great help and it keeps track of what u eat (not as good as this site tho) and workouts. So msg and let me know k



  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Hi everyone

    Trying to find out how many ppl out there besides myself use the Wii Active and think it helps. Let me know what u think. For me its been good and its like having a personal trainer w/o the payments :mad: although i have a YMCA membership (which i plan to take full advantage when my son gets here :laugh: ) its still a great help and it keeps track of what u eat (not as good as this site tho) and workouts. So msg and let me know k


    I love my Wii Active. You're right about how it's like having a personal trainer with out the payments. I have been slacking on using it lately though but I like it and think it's a great way to get some cardio and resistance training. I like it to for the reason that it asks you about the day before, what you ate and drank and how much sleep and stuff.

    I've been toying with the idea of joining a gym for the winter and possibly just to have a place stocked with machines I can use but I don't know yet. I live at least 20 minutes outside of town and I'm not sure if there are any gyms on the east side of town, which would be closest to me. I would probably only be able to work out after work seeing as I don't want to pay for gas to drive to town to work out when I can do it at home on the weekends. I don't know...guess I'll find out.
  • I just got one and so far I love it!
  • rcotto25
    rcotto25 Posts: 19
    funny story bout the wii active...as i was working out one day (bicep curls lol) the wii stretch band broke so i had to go out and buy the thick rubber tubbing kind so that id have a better challenge and more resistance with my work outs :laugh:

    i've been to gyms , parks, and use my wii active and they all have their pros and cons the wii active is just so convenient lol Gl 2 u both and let me know how ur wii fun comes along
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    funny story bout the wii active...as i was working out one day (bicep curls lol) the wii stretch band broke so i had to go out and buy the thick rubber tubbing kind so that id have a better challenge and more resistance with my work outs :laugh:

    i've been to gyms , parks, and use my wii active and they all have their pros and cons the wii active is just so convenient lol Gl 2 u both and let me know how ur wii fun comes along

    My resistance band hasn't broke yet but it deffinantly isn't enough for me. I'm currently looking for the 5lbs weights we have around the house some where to use for those exercises. I'm hoping I'll be able to hold the remote and numchuck as well as the weights, if not I guess I'll have to go invest in resistance bands to get a better work out.

    I'm interested in the gym for the winter months for the most part. I live in the country so the winter is not the time to run outside. That and if it's that cold I don't want to be outside any ways. I don't know if I'll join a gym at this point in time. I might wait until I move out and have an apartment of my own. This way I would be in town and going to the gym wouldn't be a matter of going only after work.

    I just restarted my 30 day challenge today because when I originally started it was more than 30 days ago, whoops! I plan to stay with this one better!!
  • worlass
    worlass Posts: 21
    I have had mine for a couple of weeks and find it really helps, although the calories it says I have used after my work out doesnt seem as much as I feel it should, cos I am sweating (lol just shows how unfit I am) although I cannot yet do the pre-set work outs and have to do custom ones as just recovering from knee surgery a couple of months ago. Question though how are you entering it into your exercise log. Just by the calories it says on the Wii. I usually just put it under low impact Aeorobics and the caloreis it says on the Wii:smile:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    You can do the preset workouts, and just uncheck the exercises that you can not do yet.

    I enter it as circuit training, and I use my HRM for the cals :)
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I am loving the wii active...probably the best investment I have made for myself. Even though I am losing weight using it, the biggest benefit I see is that I have had so much more energy, I just can't believe it! I literally have to make myself go to bed at night or I will wind up doing housework until 3am or something ridiculous like that!
  • worlass
    worlass Posts: 21
    just wondering does your HRM vary by much in difference between that and the Wii?
    haha doing housework at 3am I hate housework would sooner do the Wii:happy:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I have had mine for a couple of weeks and find it really helps, although the calories it says I have used after my work out doesnt seem as much as I feel it should, cos I am sweating (lol just shows how unfit I am) although I cannot yet do the pre-set work outs and have to do custom ones as just recovering from knee surgery a couple of months ago. Question though how are you entering it into your exercise log. Just by the calories it says on the Wii. I usually just put it under low impact Aeorobics and the caloreis it says on the Wii:smile:

    Since I don't have a HRM I made my own exercise and called it Wii Active and use the time and the calories according to the game. I figure this way if I want to burn off any extra calories I ate for the day I have to work twice as hard. I know what you mean about feeling like you should be burning more than it tells you. I sweat a whole bunch too when I do the work outs!!
  • rcotto25
    rcotto25 Posts: 19
    I have had mine for a couple of weeks and find it really helps, although the calories it says I have used after my work out doesnt seem as much as I feel it should, cos I am sweating (lol just shows how unfit I am) although I cannot yet do the pre-set work outs and have to do custom ones as just recovering from knee surgery a couple of months ago. Question though how are you entering it into your exercise log. Just by the calories it says on the Wii. I usually just put it under low impact Aeorobics and the caloreis it says on the Wii:smile:

    yeah omg i so dont believe the calorie counter on that thing b/c i to sweat up a storm and that darn thing clicks so slow lol ...and whats a HRM i'd be interested in using that if it gives me the correct count. oh god something else i'll have to attach to my self. besides my knee brace, wii leg strap and maybe soon a HRM counter ima look like some busted up super hero just trying to get in shape LMAO and i to have alot more energy b/c of my exercise, i'm currently exercising 5 times a week and off on the weekends...lets see how that works out for now GL everyone and ty for responding!!!
  • worlass
    worlass Posts: 21
    a HRM is a heart rate monitor you can get them that look like a watch and go on your wrist or other ones that go around your chest. gives you a more acurate calorie count. i dont have one but someone here does and I was just wondering if there is a difference in the calorie count on the HRM and that of the Wii active. Think I might have to get one and maybe a cape too (superheros here I come:laugh: :laugh: )
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    a HRM is a heart rate monitor you can get them that look like a watch and go on your wrist or other ones that go around your chest. gives you a more acurate calorie count. i dont have one but someone here does and I was just wondering if there is a difference in the calorie count on the HRM and that of the Wii active. Think I might have to get one and maybe a cape too (superheros here I come:laugh: :laugh: )

    I've read many posts that people say the HRM gives a higher reading of calories burned and it's more accurate.
  • worlass
    worlass Posts: 21
    :laugh: higher calorie reading mmmmmmmmmmmm now I am definatley gonna get one :laugh:
  • rcotto25
    rcotto25 Posts: 19
    SOLD! i'll be checking them ty for the tip!! and now if i can only get the wii active to give me some damn ab exercises lmao
  • worlass
    worlass Posts: 21
    yeah I wish for that too, and I HATE doing crunches on my own, theres a lot or cardio even with the sports and upper body a bit of lower but nothing really for the tummy which for us women is usually the place we want to get rid of the jigglies:smile:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    yeah I wish for that too, and I HATE doing crunches on my own, theres a lot or cardio even with the sports and upper body a bit of lower but nothing really for the tummy which for us women is usually the place we want to get rid of the jigglies:smile:

    I don't know if either of you have a Wii Fit....that's what I did Saturday after my Active work out, went on the Wii Fit and did some strength training that was targeted at my abs.
  • rcotto25
    rcotto25 Posts: 19
    WII FIT+$100+= Epic Failure during this economy lol but i'll take ur word if it does work out abs. i might nickel and dime it for a bit + trade + a game stop blood drive for extra cash :laugh:

    and ladies maybe u can help me with this question...WHAT THE HELL IS A PLANK? i saw it as an ab exercise and felt so lost clue me in pls lol :noway:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    WII FIT+$100+= Epic Failure during this economy lol but i'll take ur word if it does work out abs. i might nickel and dime it for a bit + trade + a game stop blood drive for extra cash :laugh:

    and ladies maybe u can help me with this question...WHAT THE HELL IS A PLANK? i saw it as an ab exercise and felt so lost clue me in pls lol :noway:

    To do a plank you get into a push up position but instead of putting your hands on the floor you put your forearms on the floor. You then hold yourself up like that. You can really feel it work your abs because you use your core to hold you up since your butt should not go up in the air, you should be flat. I probably didn't explain it too well... Wii Fit explains it to you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I also have a Wii Active and loving it!

    With the HRM I have one and couldnt imagine my workout life without it now!!! I have a Polar F6 and it does come with the chest strap which you can't even feel its on.

    The reason its so more accurtate is because you put your height and weight in it and it goes by your heart beats. There have been a couple times where I have burned over 100 more calories then the Wii Active says!

    I tried Wii Active today with the Wii Balance Board for Tennis and wasn't a huge fan. I am doing the 30 Day Challenge but its hard cuz I sometimes stay at my BF's and my parents house so I have 2 30 Day Challenges on the go.

    I do use my own resistance band becuase the one that comes with it was too weak for me. Maybe that is why my calorie burns are so much higher!

    I know one thing I have never sweat so much playing a video game! LOL
  • rcotto25
    rcotto25 Posts: 19
    I also have a Wii Active and loving it!

    With the HRM I have one and couldnt imagine my workout life without it now!!! I have a Polar F6 and it does come with the chest strap which you can't even feel its on.

    The reason its so more accurtate is because you put your height and weight in it and it goes by your heart beats. There have been a couple times where I have burned over 100 more calories then the Wii Active says!

    I tried Wii Active today with the Wii Balance Board for Tennis and wasn't a huge fan. I am doing the 30 Day Challenge but its hard cuz I sometimes stay at my BF's and my parents house so I have 2 30 Day Challenges on the go.

    I do use my own resistance band becuase the one that comes with it was too weak for me. Maybe that is why my calorie burns are so much higher!

    I know one thing I have never sweat so much playing a video game! LOL

    thats awesome to hear and grats with all ur fun and OMG 2 30 days!!!! what a trooper ur bf must be one happy guy :devil:

    for the record how "pumped" up are u guys after a wii active exercise...um wait not sure how pg that is never mind but yeah continued success to all of u wii active members is there a club for us??? :huh:
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