Incredibly slow

foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,

I am losing weight at an incredibly slow pace. I lost 5 lbs in my first week, and have come to a crawl. I did not plateau or anything. I just seriously suck at this. I bumped myself from 1200 to 1300 because seriously...I can not eat 1200 calories. I go over by a few hundred...even at 1300. And while I know i am still losing weight it is so slow.

I can not stay at my calories! Does anyone have any motivational tips, whether it is drinking extra water in the morning, certain foods I should eat. I am really bad at this. I know I am doing better than before, but, I know my body's potential, it can lose weight a lot faster.


  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Are you making sure you are writing everything down? I find that if I write everything down, it keeps me in check. Unfortunately, no one said that changing your eating habits would be easy. It is hard because these are habits that have been with us for years and years. It takes time to retrain your mind. There is no one particular thing that will really help over another. You have to focus on becoming healthy and watching what you eat. Also, if you want a treat, have it in moderation. That is the key. Once you start giving up things and consider you are on a diet, you will probably not be as dedicated.

    Just try to keep writing everything down every day. A lot of it is the choices you make. Try to make healthier ones and listen to your body when it comes to food. Do you know why you eat over your calories? Is it more mental than it is physical? Emotional eating is a tough thing for most people. We eat to feel better. Say to yourself, "is this really going to make me feel better?" More and likely it won't. You just need to find your focus.

    Good luck.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i am just finding myself completey unmotivated....and lazy
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    What is your main reason for losing weight? Do you have an event coming up or are you trying to get back to an old self or just trying to get healthy? You have decide whether or not you really want to lose the weight right now and for what reason. There doesn't have to be a reason, but generally even something basic as "to be healthy" is a good enough. Do you see that writing everything down too much of a burden? There are other programs out there i.e. Nutrisystem, that kind of take a lot of thinking out of losing weight.

    Is there something more going on in your life that distracts you from wanting to lose weight?
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    My first thought is what's the rush? You don't have a lot to lose so it will take some time.

    But that being said I do have some suggestions. Do you exercise? I exercise for many reasons, although admittedly one of which is to allow myself more calories for the day. Also, what kind of food do you eat? Maybe you just aren't eating the right foods to help you feel full?

    What is your motivation to lose weight? Have you set any goals? Perhaps having mini goals with rewards might help you stay on track.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I agree - Mini-goals with (non-food) rewards can be a great motivation.

    I get to have my nails done for every three pounds lost.
    or... I get to buy a new outfit, get the idea:wink:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Are you exercising at all? If you do, you are able to eat more

    Also ....looking at your food diary where one day you had a burger & fries, beer, chocolate cake and lemon meringue pie all in one day and a slice of pizza the next, you may want to make better food choices
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I agree - Mini-goals with (non-food) rewards can be a great motivation.

    I get to have my nails done for every three pounds lost.
    or... I get to buy a new outfit, get the idea:wink:

    i like your idea...i need some motivation is all. i know how to make good food choices, i am just lacking motivation. and i want to lose it fast because no one likes losing it slow, it isn't for an event, it is for a life choice.
    and though i make poor food choices, i really don't eat that much in a day. people overeat extensively. 2000 calories adds up sooooo fast. and i am a party person, so i plan my day accordingly, and then something comes up and on impulse i go...and eat/drink beer.
    i was looking for motivation tips.

    i just ran 25 minutes on my tread mill....i am feeling good and sweating like crazyyy. but i am so lazy,and don't know when i'll do it again.
  • worlass
    worlass Posts: 21
    I have been struggling with my wieght since I had children, youngest one is now 27 so thats a long time. I have tried everything you can think off. I have high blood pressure, high cholestrol (under medication) was in a bad motorcycle accident a few years ago and overthe past few years have had a few surgeries. So exercising was hard. Now I have found out my blood sugar is high, not quite diabetis but near enogh. sounds really depressing and hopless doesnt it. But now i have found this site which I think is awesome, bought a Wii with wii fit and wii active, I walk the dog for an hour everyday, do the wii for 30mins every day and stay under my 1400 calories a day, in fact my problem and always has been not eating enough, hence my body goes into starvation mode and I dont loose any weight. I know have to force myself to eat every 3 hours I have cut way down on my carbs and sugars,, not completly and then only whole wheat etc. I have just been doing this for the past 10 days but have lost 3lbs,so i think for me I have found my THING finally after all these years. My son is in Afghanistan just left last week so I would like to loose at least 20lbs by mid Novemeber for when he comes home. Good luck to everyone.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Deciding to become healthy is a motivation. Think how good you just felt after you got off of the treadmill. Don't you want that same feeling? If you have trouble exercising, make a deal with yourself that you will work out for 15 minutes. If after 15 minutes, you don't want to do it anymore, then stop. Most people tend to continue on with the workout because they feel so good. Set some goals for yourself and as someone suggested, treat yourself i.e. pedicure or a new shirt or shoes. We can only give so many ideas. The motivation has to come from within.

    If you feel that your life is so last minute, then maybe before you head out, think as to how eating and drinking a lot will affect your weight loss. Going out and having a drink and eating with friends is great, but if you overdo or go out all the time, it can really hinder your weight loss. Maybe you should give yourself just one day or night where you can go out and cut loose. That is what people do and it helps so they don't overeat the other days. Make eating and drinking a special occassion.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    One other things, everyone wants to lose weight really fast, but it isn't realistic, which might be why you lose motivation so quickly. Plus the slower you take it off, the slower it comes back. Losing weight at a fast pace isn't healthy for the body. Patience is the key. Don't give up. Think more positive about losing weight and sticking to living a healthy lifestyle. You shouldn't beat yourself up so much. It can end up being your downfall. I was stuck in a rut and ate because I just didn't have the motivation or cared about myself. One day, I woke up and realized that I need to take care of myself and focus on being healthy. Plus changing to a healthy lifestyle has helped with me giving tips to my parents because in April my father had a heart attack due to his poor eating habits. They have changed or at least are really trying to because change doesn't happen overnight.

    Good luck.
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