

  • You're smiling like a man who is feeling good. Congratulations!
  • Bumping to give it a try! Thanks.
  • I'm a 50 year old woman who made the decision to get back in shape about three years ago. I loved how it made me feel "like I'd taken a decade off". Unfortunately I keep putting half of it back on every summer and have to reboot in the fall. I am there again. I know how to get it off...I just don't know how to keep it off!…
  • I'm in. 185 175 is the goal for May 31st.
  • Seasoned Rice Vinegar Extra Virgin Olive Oil Dry Mustard Minced Garlic Give it a shake and enjoy!
  • I'm just finishing up a winter fitness challenge and you can add me if you like. I know I need all the accountability and motivation I can get too! I have figured out how to lose the challenge is keeping it off when I am not involved in a fitness challenge and focused with lots of workouts!
  • "The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. " Love it! I can totally relate...the first time I worked my triceps I had to put my coffee cup on the edge of the table and bend down to take a sip! Thanks…
  • If my husband like it enough to buy it for me I would wear it...for him. Lock the door, turn down the lights, turn up the music, light some candles and dance the night away...
  • I don't have a one day total but when I finally got my fat *kitten* to the gym 2 1/2 years ago, I lost 17.5 pounds in the first week. My trainer just about had a fit! Needless to say week 2 and 3 were rather wasn't until week 4 that the pounds started to come off again.
  • I'm IN! SW: 191.8 Jan 8th = Jan 14th = Jan 26th = Jan 31st = GOAL 181.8 Previous years Christmas meals and goodies have derailed me and it's literally taken me months to recover and get back control over my eating...not this time! It starts now! P.S. I will be out of the country for 2 weeks so will be unable to weigh in on…
  • Done.
  • Large flake or steel cut oatmeal (not the quick cooking) whole raw almonds chicken, fish or lean red meat fruits and veggies skim milk and greek yogurt multigrain unsalted rice cakes natural peanut butter eggs and egg whites salsa Sorry...couldn't limit it to five! I try to shop the perimeter of the grocery store and stay…
  • This site is a great place to start...real eye opener for me as to how many calories the little extras added up to every day! I am right behind you in age and have lost it, regained a little, lost again and sadly am back to having to lose again. I have the losing figured out...I really need to work on how to maintain my…
  • Eat more...sounds crazy but you need to eat more. Quality lean protein and fruits and veggies. You'll have more energy for your workouts too!
  • Make an appointment and go and see a good physiotherapist. It's faster than waiting to see a knee specialist and they will be able to have a look at what is going on with your knee and advise you whether you need medical intervention or just knee strengthening exercises etc.
  • Homemade hummus with torn up pita bread and veggies for dippers. I use lots of garlic and peanut butter instead of tahini when I make it. Oh so good and all you need is a blender to whip it up. Have fun.
  • Amen!!!!! Thank you for putting this out there. I can't agree more.
  • I have more weight loss success when I eat some of the calories I burn while exercising. My base is 1200 calories and I usually earn at least an additional 500-600 calories a day exercising. I happily eat about 1400-1500 calories. Not all of the extra but a good portion of it. When I got stubborn and only ate 1200 calories…
  • One cheat meal a week is how I have done it as well. It makes those special occasions special. Enjoy and happy birthday!
  • I hear you! At 46 I felt like an old, old lady. Night sweats, insomnia etc. Within weeks of a major diet change and working out at my local gym 6 days a week, I was sleeping thru the night and no longer enduring the night sweats. I lost 62 pounds in 7 months and now at 48 I feel ten years younger and have no problem…
  • My experience is that if you are exercising you need to eat back some of the calories you have burned thru exercise. It sounds crazy but when you are working out, you need to eat more to lose weight. 1200 calories is too lean if you are working out and your body is going into starvation mode. Eat more (clean food) and keep…
  • It's okay to eat some of your exercise calories just don't eat them all. Leave yourself a deficit and the weight will come off. My calorie daily goal is 1200 but I usually aim to eat around 1400 calories. I have more energy for my workouts if I eat a little more. On a day I don't exercise I try to to just over 1200…
  • Your body weight fluctuates continuously which it is usually recommended to weigh yourself once a week at the same time...i.e. morning before breakfast. Otherwise the fluctuations due to sodium levels, water intake, constipation, TOM, etc. will drive you crazy. Also make sure you are eating enough calories every day so…
  • Homemade hummus with veggies and cut up pita pockets or naan for dippers.
  • It sounds bizarre but is so true...keeping the workouts the same (six days per week) when I only eat 1200 calories a day the scale doesn't go down...when I eat in the 1400-1500 range (3 meals and two snacks a day) it drops! Our bodies need fuel to burn and if we don't eat enough in a day, it hangs on to what it gets…
  • Welcome to the site. I started my weight loss journey in May 2009 but didn't hear about this site until September 2010 during a fitness challenge at my gym. My food was very limited before because I didn't count calories...I only knew what I could eat. Now I am able to have a little more variety because I am using this…
    in Newbie Comment by lastraw January 2011
  • Definitely a good physiotherapist is the way to go. Sounds like you have a tendon popping out of it's groove in the front of your shoulder. Good stretch is have someone hold in your rib cage from the side while you move your bent elbow across til your elbow lines up with your nose. Stop any exercise immediately if it hurts…