cwrldpc Member


  • Unfortunately, with Christmas comes "The War on Christmas"...every...single...year. Stores are not going to let Christmas die. ;)
  • Going into the free weight area and the buff guys stare at me and look all annoyed that I entered their domain. I am a 35 year old obese woman, but I worked with a trainer who showed me what to do in the free weight area "if I was comfortable in there" <--pet peeve #2
  • I am following the cleanse currently. It is not a calorie restricted program, which is awesome. Yesterday I had 1250 (my choice) the day before was 1800. Yesterday I simply was not hungry. Once you stop eating all the crap it is amazing how much more satisfied your body feels after you eat. Right now I am not hungry, but I…
  • I was doing better at losing weight, but in August I hurt my feet and lost my mojo. In addition, I would swim, but I have an infection in my ears and cannot get them wet! BOO Anywho, I wish there were more tall women on here. I am 6'1' and would love to get under 200 and shorties do not understand those numbers. By the…
  • I don't have any tips or tricks except to say that you need to be in the right mindset to do it. If you are too hard on yourself or use any happy moment as a reason to celebrate (with food) that you are setting yourself up for failure. I have been on a weight roller coaster for years. I am 6'1" and currently at my highest…
  • I understand what you mean, but in reality they are supposed to be TREATS. You know, once in a while. I never got fat as a child eating my one donut on Sunday morning. And really, as gourmet most people will only buy them once in a while, while the ones at Walmart in a box of 12 are on sale everyday. Those are the ones I…
  • I wish I knew where will power can from, I've been looking for it for 20 years! I get inspired and movtivated then lose my groove and go back to old habits. I eat out of boredumb and habit, not hunger. If I keep busy I am not craving anything because nothing is available to me. My big problem is that I am a stay at home…
  • I think I wanna do this on Saturday....maybe Sunday, too.
  • I totally agree! I weighed 240 and was a size 16 and I lost almost thirty pounds and was still as size 16!! I am 6'1" and my goal is 171. Which sounds odd, but it is the lightest I have ever been as an adult and I would like to get back there. BTW, that was probably a size 12, which I would feel FABULOUS in. :wink:
  • I am totally in! I bought a dress over a month ago for a wedding this weekend and i don't fit in it!! I want to fit in it for xmas. I got all stressed and stopped caring. Now I am upset that I don't care, because I really do. And I feel so much better when I am active.
  • Shaming kids will not make them lose weight. It will make them embarrassed, angry, and can lead to depression. I speak from experience. I was very skinny as a kid, but after puberty I put on some weight and I remember the first time someone in my family called me thunder thighs. The irony in that is I would kill to have…
  • omg This. Totally this.
  • Long Elegant Legs Tall and All I am 6'1" and I usually shop the websites in the sale - clearance section. Why are tall clothes so expensive. Like 2 inches of fabric costs that much!!
  • I can quit soda, but I like the buzz coffee gives me. You didn't say anything about quitting caffeine :wink:
  • I worry that my son (who is starting to get a bit pudgy) will see this as normal and never be motivated to be more active. If all his friends are heavy than the kid who is in shape is the odd man out. What kind of legacy are we leaving our kids? I would never judge people for being fat (hell, I am pretty hefty right now)…