Pastry Chef: Immoral and Unethical?

ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? So she will be preparing pastries and directly contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. What’s next, should I congratulate the Marlboro man on the new gourmet cigarette brand he is coming out with? I just think it’s wrong for someone to knowingly provide sugar laden treats to others knowing the harm it causes. And even worse, these are gourmet treats which people are likely to eat even more of!

I don’t know. If it were me, I don’t think I would be able to live with myself if I knew I would be harming people like this long term. They are throwing her a going away party in a few weeks and she is going to be providing a sampling of her work for us. I’m still undecided if I should attend with these concerns. I’m not sure what kind of message that will be sending ya know?

What you guys think? Am I right? Or should I ease up, be happy for my friend and go to the party even if I feel like I’m compromising on my morals and ethics?


  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Stand your ground! Don't attend the party and if you have to just throw all the treats in the trash. You will be saving lives by ridding the party of deadly sugar.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Everybody is given choices as to what they eat. Just because someone makes it doesn't mean you have to eat it. BUT you CAN enjoy these treats in moderation - and hell you probably should.

    There are a lot of professions that enable unhealthy choices - brewing beer, selling cigarettes, being a chef of almost any kind. Waitresses try to upsell desserts, fried appetizers etc.

    You can go and celebrate but you do not need to eat what is there. It's just like McDonald's or Starbucks - there are foods there but nobody is forcing anyone to eat them.

    Be happy for her. If you do have some serious concerns with it you can talk to her but think about it first. And bring it up appropriately to let her know why you are concerned!
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Maybe she doesn't know the harm it causes?

    I suggest you send her a few pamphlets on the evils of pastry and perhaps she will reconsider this decision.
  • uptowndisco
    Congratulate her , she is in work , not a mass murderer , no one is forcing any one to over eat what she will be making , lighten up :)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You should kill her to save the others. It's the right thing to do.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Are you actually for real?! Your friend is not shoving too much food down people's throats, we all have choices to make regarding what we eat. Who doesn't love a nice pastry treat, we just can't eat them all the time. Someone else would get the job if she didn't, so how about actually being a friend and being happy for her.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Wow, you are in a tough spot. While I get that you want to be a supportive friend, I have to ask, how supportive is this friend of any of us and our struggles with pastries? Choosing that profession (and it was a choice) in this day and age is socially irresponsible, at best. Your friend is probably even using sugar AND gluten. Sometimes at the same time.

    I just, I don't know what to say. Such callousness is troubling.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Next thing you know, she may be trying to give gifts to underprivileged children and saying they are from "Santa". She's obviously a horrible lying person. She must be stopped.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    You should kill her to save the others. It's the right thing to do.

    Haha love it!
  • cwrldpc
    cwrldpc Posts: 20 Member
    I understand what you mean, but in reality they are supposed to be TREATS. You know, once in a while. I never got fat as a child eating my one donut on Sunday morning. And really, as gourmet most people will only buy them once in a while, while the ones at Walmart in a box of 12 are on sale everyday. Those are the ones I would be worrying about.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Mmmmm gourmet, sugar-laden cigarettes...
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Maybe she doesn't know the harm it causes?

    I suggest you send her a few pamphlets on the evils of pastry and perhaps she will reconsider this decision.

    While I understand the sentiment, and you are being very generous in thinking the best of his friend, there is absolutely NO WAY that she/he/it doesn't know the impact that she/he/it is having.

    Just break up.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Your friend is basically Hitler.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    It is clear a lot of people aren't taking this seriously and because of that I'm not surprised there's an obesity epidemic in America.

    Look ryan, long story short is that *I* wouldn't be friends with a drug dealer or prostitute. I also know that I wouldn't be able to change them. Sure it would be great to get deals on drugs and sex but it's not like that's the basis for a friendship. Never mix business with friends.

    So either way you should congratulate her and just let her make her own life decisions. I'm sorry.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Don't look at me. I am a drug dealer and a gigolo. In my spare time I am working on the manufacture of handguns with grips to fit 5 year olds.

    I'm appalled that someone would resort to such a career choice as to fatten up the public. It's a disgrace. They could enter a much more honorable career field like I have.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    Is this a joke?

    ETA: On this site it could have just as easily been a genuine post :p
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It's astonishing that someone would be so brazenly careless with their futures.....and the lives of others.

    In this day and age, the only acceptable career in food is that of an organic-raw-vegan chef who can educate and help others understand the importance of such healthy choices.

    Chocolate, sugar, pastry, etc are clearly evil and unhealthy and should be banned.

    Obviously, you should ditch her.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Oh, for crying in a bucket. Drama queen, much?

    If this isn't deliberate trolling, I'm going to be very surprised. I don't care how many posts he has.