carriedkline Member


  • I am in love with Jello Sugar Free chocolate fudge pudding. I love sweets and this is made with skim milk and helps calm my sweet tooth.
  • How do you make diet soda cake? That sounds interesting...
  • it is so hard. I love food. I did the same thing tonight. I can't stay away from sweets....
  • And be honest with yourself about calories, they will sabotage weight loss. If you are exercising, try to stay at like 1500 calories a day regardless of your activity level. DON'T GIVE UP...just keep trying, you will find something that works but you have to give it time!
  • Holidays are fun, but not for my wasteline. I am going to try and cut back on the fried foods and limit my desserts. I LOVE dessert!! Maybe I will try to get a workout in so I don't feel so bad. Hope everyone has a great weekend!:bigsmile:
  • You really need to listen to your body on this one. You have to give your body time to repair itself.
  • ground turkey sloppy joes are delicious. Especially if you add red and green peppers to the mix.
  • I am the same way. 1200 calories is so hard for me to stick to right now. I feel like I want more than that but when I do eat, I feel guilty for some reason. I have been doing this for a week now and haven't lost a single pound but I am going to try and stick it out and hopefully will see some progress.
  • Go on ITunes and type in the search line, 130 bpm. This means 130 beats per minute and it will give you fast paced song choices that really get you motivated. You can do higher than 130, like 135 or 140 but I recently typed in 130 and got a huge selection.
  • You know, my husband and I were going to grab fast food last night but once you get your butt in the kitchen and just cook something, it really doesn't take that long. Just tell yourself that you are going to do something for 10 minutes, like jogging or making dinner, and before you know it, you will want to keep going…
  • Go treat yourself to something really good....You deserve it, it is Friday. I only have 500 calories left for the rest of my day, which is dinner, no snack for me tonight unless I head to the gym...
    in So... Comment by carriedkline June 2009
  • It is my first week too. This site is really great!
  • If you are going to the bathroom like that, be aware that the weight loss could be water weight from going to the bathroom. I think your calorie count is good. Just know that if a pound or two comes back that it could be water weight.
  • Thanks for the warm welcome guys!! We can do this, we just have to stick together!!
  • Check out the South Beach High Protein bars. They have about 140 calories in them and are pretty tasty. I like the peanut butter ones but they also have chocolate and cinnamon raisin.
  • Try Ginger-Honey tea, it is amazing for your skin and tastes really good....if you like ginger that is. If you go to the Asian food store, they have a ton of good teas and they are all really good for you.
    in Tea Comment by carriedkline June 2009