I was a meat cutter for 10 years, yes it is safe to refreeze, You may lose some texture and flavor, thats it, your fine. As long as the meat is handled properly and never gets too warm, your good. You do want to cook it or freeze it as soon as possible, the longer you wait you lose freshness and flavor. But, having cooked…
There should be a support group. My problem is I HAVE to drink a glass of milk with my PB sandwich.
Well, being that shes is my SIL, I think my BIL and my wife would have issues..........
Lisa, I promise never to go looking for your phone when it rings.
Wasnt that popular in the mid 80's for a few weeks
When we got ours, I was over the weight limit, and couldnt use it. But then, my wife got one of those step risers to put under ours. It evidently supports the Wii fit too much, it only weighs me in at 240 or something like that. Any way, it enabled me to use it until i got below the weiight limit I just didnt pay any…
the salsa chicken works awesome with pork too, just substitute pork chops for the chicken
I switch between Special K vanilla almond and the Special K fruit and yogurt
I use a toaster oven at 350, spray the muffin pan with cooking spray, line with ham, turkey, whatever, add a spoon of ot sauce, salsa, etc. crack an egg, let cook for 10-12 minutes (i think), and your done.
I have had this with ham for breakfast, I skip the cheese (now). Slap it on an english muffin or the new orowheat sandwich thins and you have a pretty good sandwich in the morning.
Lisa, Ive looked for the white chocolate, if I cant find it, I may need you to bring me some.
Im in, I need some sort of accountability and to keep on track.
yes, because in a week or so when im ready to try these, ill never find them otherwise. you can also do it to get an old post to show up in the recent listings.
what exactly is adobo ?
Maybe you could determine when your neighbors are away and do it then or talk to them and explain that it will only be 20 minutes a day and see if you can find a time when its not disturbing to them.
I love cottage cheese, and have gotten several ideas here. I usually make a simple side dish with cottage cheese, chopped peppers (green, red or yellow), chopped tomatoes, and chopped onions, sometimes green onions.
LISA - im pretty sure we dd this last new years at mark and jennys