sounds delicious and good idea, might try to make a vegan version. Or at least make the recipe here for my hubs :) Thanks!
Maybe you're more interested in an all day calorie calculator like a FitBit? Unless those 7 hours were a workout for you. I used my Polar for strength training and cardio workouts, and I find that it's pretty accurate, as long as I keep my weight and age updated.
Great progress!! I've been researching weight lifting programs, mainly on, so this gives me a great place to start. I hadn't considered upping the calories, so I will definitely try it out as well. Thanks for taking the time out to write out your strategy!
Hi! I've been vegan since Dec, although I'm not perfect :/ Would love to have some vegan buddies!
Also, keep the ice on, rubbing up and down the shin for 10 min on, 10 min off, and repeat. Don't want to get freezer burn ;). I hope you heal quickly! I'm new here as well, so any time you need some support, let me know! Shannon
I know you probably won't like this answer, but the only thing that worked for me was stopping impact type exercise till the shin splints went away, and starting up again, adding 10% to my mileage each week. I iced every night, using water frozen in a Dixie cup. The C25k plan works well for starting a running plan.
At first, seeing naked people in the locker room can be uncomfortable if you aren't used to the "open-ness". You do get used to it, but I would suggest, if it makes you feel more comfortable, keep your head down as you walk around the room or face the lockers when you're getting dressed/undressed. Think of it as no one is…
Thanks for posting this! I had to stop because I was doing it every day. Poor marketing choice. Guess it's time for me to start again!
Wow, thanks everybody for your input! I really appreciate it! Shannon