

  • am right there with you.. Now I have lost 85 pounds but then when I get into the same range as you , it becomes so difficult. For me I am also 51 so my metabolism is not what it used to be. Couple of thoughts. First, MFP suggests not going down but in reality it can't stop you from going below .. but it doesn't really…
  • hey chica!!! Well... in order for people to change they kind of need their own "crisis" I read your post with a bit of confusion because you are saying you don't feel miserable and you do want to lose weight. You are asking how you get motivated because you don't hate yourself...yes? See this is the thing that many many…
  • Okay so this Dr. Furhman is a low sugar group? Thanks... I already don't use sweeteners and I don't drink juice. Like I said this started weaseling its way back into my life when i started eating those diet desserts. At first it was occasionally... then it was I cut out part of meal to be able to fit more in... then…
  • You guys.. my life is so positive now that I have lost 85 pounds... and when I see really obese people I know their pain because I was morbidly obese... but make no mistake... I have had two years to process all of this and review my life and how I got to where I am. I don't think food is addictive BUT I DO HOWEVER BELIEVE…
  • Thanks guys... does anyone know of like a written out plan that I could follow so I could just robot out the first few days? Will definitely be doing the eggs and nuts thing... I know it sounds miserable and that is why once I fell from grace I never went back... but I will tell you not being in control is really what is…
  • Incidentally, this is why I am asking for support... I am not sure what I need to eat to get back to that place... I have spent the evening researching what foods lend themselves to spikes and what don't aside from the processed ones... For example, I love raisins but I know I can't touch them...can't... because I can't…
  • yea I don't mean all sugar... not nutzo , but the processed and hidden stuff with empty nutritional value. You know, the stuff that your body is like what do I do with this? The stuff that sets me off balance. Maybe I should post I will be eating "clean" Don't know how to say it. When I don't eat processed sugar and sadly…
  • Hi there... I use the BodyMedia Fit band. I would really like for my steps to be transferred to My Fitness Pal for added motivation, but it seems as though it isn't available for me with this device. Am I missing something? Can anyone tell me how to hook it up? .... And if it is not available to transfer with BodyMedia Fit…
  • Just curious...why "young?"
  • Wow I came to this post for strategies and all I see is a bunch of disrespectful arguing? Palease!!!!! If you can't relate to driving around in your car eating donuts so your family won't know...and then realizing they will wonder what happen to the 4 missing out of the dozen so you hide them ...only to eat the rest about…
  • hey you know what...I never thought I did either and I think it is really difficult to look at yourself each day and have a nonpartial view...the thing that shocked me into action wasn't my health even though that was starting to be an was seeing my butt randomly in a security camera and thinking it was someone…
  • Hey there...I am 50 and have lost about 85 pounds with around 38 roughly more to go to reach 102... It is harder but put that out of your mind...losing weight is a mind game more than anything else...if you start out the gate telling yourself or worse, believing that it will be an uphill battle you are setting yourself…
  • Hey...IF you want to successfully keep the weight off you have to really start working on your approach... after all you have are calling yourself a loser and not in the good way of losing weight? Whoa...have you learned nothing? Get to know yourself and learn to separate yourself from your…
  • Man nudity isn't even a shock anymore...Have some self respect don't tell your darkest secrets to strangers because that would be emotional nudity...why would you want to discount your body as well? We have all seen naked bodies in this day and age...suit yourself but if you really want to do something shocking...…
  • Dear you know that anger and sadness are actually twins and that depression is actually a lot of pent up anger? True story lol. Now I totally hear you on the broccoli question is how did you handle it? Because I don't think the guy did it on purpose...he just wasn't thinking...or maybe he did...the only…
  • Okay I am losing a ton more weight than you needed to but I find it goes in in my skin even is not as tight and then a few pounds and weeks later and it tightens maybe give it time while you continue living healthy and see what happens...just a thought...but it really does take your body time to adjust,…
  • getting ready for hate responses here but I simply must comment. I totally disagree with the posts I have read. First if you are going to compare this to smoking..i work with smokers where smoking is not permitted...That doesn't stop them...they smoke everywhere with no regard. If I ask them to please step away from…
  • I work 10PM to 6AM. For me the thing that has worked and I know it probably goes against the norm, is that I still don't eat at night. I eat breakfast when I get home...go to lunch when I get up and then 4 hours later eat dinner. I hate the shift but that is the way it goes. I have worked this shift ( well it was…
  • Hey there...5'1" started at 226 and I am now 168.2 with lots to lose...double whammy...I am 49 soon to be 50 and trust me makes it even harder to see results. Anyone with any tips for faster results being short I am all ears!!!!! Please friend me!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Been married almost 20 years know when you decide this is the one you will link to through good and bad...think of the worst it can get because it very well may happen...don't get married to anyone unless you play out the worst and the poorer, and the sickness...because being married is about being there for someone…
  • Okay so then all of these people screaming at me that I have to eat my BMR ...they are full of bonk? Just as I have you guys are eating lower amounts and not dying huh? Well good to long as I can do it lol. This fat has to go...lowering the calories...for starters...not eating back any workout…
  • Hey there...I did not read all of the responses yet but I wanted to say that this confused me at first, but in the end, go with the MFP numbers for the loss...they seem to be hitting it dead on regarding what is needed for seeing results. Remember their numbers are dynamic and so will not be sealed until the end of the…
  • Thank you for this interesting article. I would welcome any more hard studies you have at hand. The experience I have so far is that it is not calories in calories out for me. I have operated on a deficit of close to 1500 calories since April and I began dieting on March 2. I have lost 57 pounds thus far however this loss…
  • Hey there, I know everyone has commented enough about this, but I thought I might add some things for you to think about. First I agree with the others regarding speaking with your doctor. They will assess how tall you are and also your bone structure. If you are in fact small boned and short it may be appropriate to cut…
  • Now of course if you look at the studies on this subject, they do prove that people who weigh in more often tend to lose more weight, lol...Just sayin' Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Oh man I have to weigh in everyday...if i don't I am very good at living in the dream world where all is either well or all is in discord...that is how I got where I am ...not facing the truth about how much I really weigh...but I think everyone is different and you have to do what is right for you. Now of course I know…
  • HI. I can't figure out how you are suppose to introduce yourself but I read your post and would like to be friends. I am new today to this site though I have used it for calorie counting before. I have been using another site called loseit and have lost 29.4 pounds so far but I have about 94 more pounds to lose to reach my…