

  • Today is my strength challenge day! We are almost done! It's been pretty amazing to work with so many awesome folks. I'm excited to see how we'll do. I've been eating within my calorie range, staying within my weight range and working close to my burned calories of 2000. I just went shopping with my sister and got medium…
  • Hi Folks, Thanks for understanding my non post last week. I was within my goals on all accounts and it was a tough week! This last week I spent with my ailing sister. I logged on every day but their was a computer glitch and my stuff didn't upload so I no longer have my log in since May. I had an interesting week at best…
  • Hi Y'all, I logged in every day. I worked out 3 days and did lifting and moving for my sister in LA for the other calorie burn. Over 2000 calories. I stayed within my weekly calories but went over on a couple of days. I'm really enjoying the Strength Challenge and I'm starting to develop in the Stair Climber. This has been…
  • Hi All, I completed my calorie log for each day of the week. I was under my calorie goal for 5 of the 7 days, and under my net calorie goal for the week. I did my first workout for the week yesterday and did a bike ride with my husband. It felt great to get back at it after being sedentary for a week. I'm feeling much…
  • Hi All, Well... I'm a bit frustrated! I've been working on eating healthfully to lose the weight over the summer and now. Unfortunately I had a gallbladder attack Saturday night and I am not going to workout this week to give myself a chance to have less stress on the old body. The last time I had an attack was probably 18…
  • Ultra Challengers, Happy Sunday! I've been working out about 4 days a week as the Tuesday Strength Challenge is just that a CHALLENGE! I go Tuesday for the Bootcamp, Wednesday for the Cardio Core, Friday Challenge then a bike ride or run for the rest of the burn. I was at 2103 calories burned by last night so I'm getting…
  • Ultra Challengers, Happy Sunday! I've been working out about 4 days a week as the Tuesday Strength Challenge is just that a CHALLENGE! I go Tuesday for the Bootcamp, Wednesday for the Cardio Core, Friday Challenge then a bike ride or run for the rest of the burn. I was at 2103 calories burned by last night so I'm getting…
  • Happy Monday! I exercised and burned 2360 calories this last week. I was within my calorie count throughout the week and went over one day. I logged in every day. My weight is down around 154 so I am maintaining. I've started the Strength Challenge and being challenged! I'll really need your support these coming months as…
  • What a great group of people! I'm so excited to be a part of this Challenge: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Y'all are helping me grow in many ways and I thank you for your care and support. I'm learning to enjoy the journey, see it as a journey and find ways to grow during the journey. Vaya con Dios, Maria Elena
  • Happy Week Three! I burned 2131 calories ( goal is 2000 per week) I logged in daily and was under my allotted calories for the week. My weight is staying at the maintenance level (between 153-157) I do need to watch my sugary foods - mostly the dessert type of stuff! Excited to see everyone shine over the next 10 weeks!…
  • Hi Folks, For the week ending 9/23 I burned my calories with a bit of excess at 2342 for the week. I really enjoyed the hike up Rattlesnake Canyon. My calves are mooing! I stayed within my calorie count over the week and my weight is staying within the alloted range. I'm feeling better and looking forward to a good week!…
  • Hi All, One of my favorite meals is what I call "Hot Meat Salad." I throw in lots of green lettuce, spinach, green onions, tomato, carrots, cucumber,etc... Usually this salad is as big as my head! I then add 4oz of lean beef, turkey or chicken breast. I will sometimes use one of those Trader Joe's sausages that are about…
  • Hello All, Thanks for the opportunity to work with y'all as we work to be healthy. I'm in a bit of a tough spot as I'm having some interesting health issues with a possible allergic reaction. I'm going to set up another appoint with my primary and watch and wait these next few weeks. I'm working to maintain my weight…
  • Here are my reports for Week 1 (9/16): * Record and sign on MyFitnessPal daily - done and done! * Food log completed and within goal * Total calorie burn for the week 2274 calories (above my 2000 weekly goal) * Maintain my weight within 1-3 lbs - I'm staying right around 155 lbs. I think I would like to continue to…
  • Hi All, I love the idea of accountability! Sounds like an awesome opportunity. Thanks for including such encouraging and thoughtful ideas so we can continue to work together and meet our goals. Happy happy, Mary Ellen
  • For the Ultra Challenge, I pledge to: * Record and sign on MyFitnessPal daily * Stay within my weekly caloric allowance on MyFitnessPal * Exercise at least 5 days a week and burn 2000+ calories a week * Maintain my weight within 1-3 lbs * Be an encourager to all y'all !