rkk1 Member


  • I've been about 99% vegan as well for the last 15 years (though have reverted to lacto-vegetarian on and off.). Would be happy to make vegan fitness buddies on here as well. :)
  • Great work! :) You are looking awesome.
  • I am deeply interested in Ayurvedic medicine, and have seen a practitioner face-to-face. It's an incredibly interesting science. There are Ayurvedic doctors in India who go through over 5 years of medical school to be trained in it. Even though I have personally trained in western medicine, I have presented on alternative…
  • Hey, I'm in Glendale not too far from you.... 59th Ave, and Union Hills. :) I'd like to find a motivation/support group as well.
  • My goal as well. :)
    in 5'1-5'2 girls Comment by rkk1 June 2012
  • Vegan is more of an ideology, not just a diet. If you eat meat, even on occasion, I'd probably call you a 'flexitarian'... as that is probably a better descriptor. I just wanted to mention this to be fair to the vegans, as most are really passionate on the idea of the values towards animals, not just the diet... and…
    in Vegans Comment by rkk1 June 2012
  • Oh by the way, just to clarify.... I know sometimes it confuses people to talk about a low carb or a low glycemic diet to someone who is hypoglycemic. They don't understand why you want to keep the carbs/sugar low if someone has low sugar. The reason for this is because low carb and low glycemic diets help prevent the…
  • That's really sad. I'm sure there has to be another solution. I'd do a lot of research on this health condition before I'd ever think of giving up a vegan diet. Eating meat isn't healthy for several reasons... associated with higher rates of cancer, etc. One thing for sure I know is that cooking foods does increase how…
  • I would have told myself not to waste my time crying and chasing around jerk guys. Someday (12 years later) I would marry someone who would know how to treat me right and give me the love I needed. I wasted so many years pursuing men who didn't want me (in part because of low self-esteem due to my weight), that I wish I…
  • Soymilk is a good source of protein... I have seen as much as 9 grams of protein per cup, for unsweetened plain soymilk. I use this often. On the other hand, it may not be as good of a choice for someone who is allergic to soy or has thyroid conditions. Rice milk is less allergenic than soy, but most sweetened rice milk…
  • Thank you all so much for the lovely words of advice and the friend requests. It's nice to wake up in the morning and see that people have a lot of insight to share with me. I appreciate that. I'm mulling over the idea of changing my settings to include more calories per day. Right now its set at 1350 (as I figured I'd eat…
  • Size is really based a lot on height. I'm 5'2" and at 195, I was a US size 18.