What would you say to your 18yr old self...



  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Get rid of that loser, and I'm so jealous that you can weigh 108lbs and NEVER WORK OUT! GRRRRR!
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    "Love yourself and make friendships a bigger priority - no matter what your parents say"

    My parents always made me feel terrible about the way I looked and how heavy I was. I've had terrible body image and self esteem ever since.

    My parents always made sure that schoolwork and getting into a good college were the most important things in my life. Well now that I'm an adult, I realize that those were important, but they're not always the most important. Friendships are so important to leading a happy, healthy life.
  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    "You're a computer artist, you just don't know it yet."

    "You were right to dump your parasitic friends for that new boyfriend. You'll get married and he'll be the friend you've always needed."

    "You'll have a wonderful son in 2 years, but I have two pieces of advice on that. 1 - exercise after having him. 2 - don't get him shots. Please just trust me on this."
  • vasogoma
    vasogoma Posts: 53 Member
    Even though that was not so long ago there are so many things I wish I could have said to myself.
    "Vale, you are beautiful, stop comparing yourself with them. Even if they have their perfect bodies and their perfect hair, in the end that won't get them anywhere. There will be a guy who will want to be with you for who you are, just be patient."
    "Open yourself to new possibilities, don't stick to some idea of what you want to major at when in fact you are only doing it because you've said it for very long, that is not what you actually want to do with you life."
    "Don't do anything reckless or anything stupid. Killing yourself is just not an option. What you are feeling at the moment will go away. Trust me, there will come one day when you won't feel depressed and when you will see some light in your life. You won't succeed anyway, you will only do a lot of damage to your body and specially to your loved ones. Stay strong, they need you, their face and sad eyes when you wake up in the hospital will hunt you for a long time, it is so not worth it."
    "Stop over thinking everything and starting enjoying of the little things in life, everything will come to you in their own time"
    "Do NOT eat that cookie, do not eat any other cookies, you don't need them and what youa re eating now is what you will regret in a couple of months"
    "All that money that you have now is money that you should put somewhere where you won't be able to take it at all. You will end up waisting all your money in stuff you don't and won't need at all"
    "Love yourself, if you don't then no one else will"
  • rkk1
    rkk1 Posts: 18 Member
    I would have told myself not to waste my time crying and chasing around jerk guys. Someday (12 years later) I would marry someone who would know how to treat me right and give me the love I needed. I wasted so many years pursuing men who didn't want me (in part because of low self-esteem due to my weight), that I wish I could have those years back. I wish I could have realized back then not to let my weight define me as a valuable person. I would have told myself to have more confidence in meeting men and if they weren't interested in me, then so what... move on and meet someone new without internalizing and thinking of myself as undateable because a few people didn't want me.

    I would have encouraged myself to have the confidence to reach out and meet new people, rather than allowing myself to feel like nobody wanted to be my friend. I'm sure now that many people wanted to get to know me better, but I was standoffish (due to my own insecurities) and denied both of us the chance for friendship.

    I would have also encouraged myself to reach out for help and counseling, so that I could have gotten what I needed at that point, instead of needlessly suffering for years with depression and shame and all the other factors that go along with it.

    I would have put more of my time working out and getting in shape, as metabolism only slows down later and it gets progressively harder to lose that weight.

    I would have also encouraged myself to learn more discipline, better time management and money management habits, and learn about healthy eating and portion control before entering college.

    I would have also told myself how smart and beautiful I was, and I would have encouraged myself to work even harder to do well in school (rather than falling into depression because some unkind boy rejected me).

    I would have also told myself to put more time into developing a better relationship with my younger sister, and she needed me then, and I was too preoccupied with my own life to have realized it.

    I would have told myself to set stronger boundaries with my parents (esp my mother), and not to let her words or criticisms dictate how I would live my life. I would tell myself that until I started standing up for myself and my dreams and start being more independent, only then would she be able to respect me more and treat me better. I never deserved any of the abuse I suffered, but I would have told myself to accept that she wasn't planning to change... and thus the change (to make myself more emotionally independent and strong) needed to come from me.

    I would have also told myself not to sweat the small stuff too much, but to focus more on finding meaning and purpose in things that truly matter. I would have also told myself that vulnerability in relationships is a sign of strength, not weakness.

    I would have also encouraged myself to get a part time job in college, so that I could develop a stronger work ethic, instead of depending on others to help me through.
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    Stop making decisions based on your b/f at the time dumbass!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I'd probably give her a list, which she would promptly throw away. I don't think I would want to listen to the me that I am now. I'd have to send someone else, maybe someone closer to her age, like my 22 year old self. LOL.
  • 2shoes123
    2shoes123 Posts: 204 Member
    Dump the loser! Anyone who truly loves you uses words that build you up - not tear you down. You are beautiful, but it doesn't really matter - don't waste your time worrying about what other people think.
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    RESPECT YOURSELF! Also, stop smoking. Don't worry about what other people think of you. Get motivated and chase your dreams. Know that you deserve the best, and don't settle for less from any of the multitude of scumbags you will date in the future....:happy:
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    Don't become mentally ill.

    Hahaha...but no, really.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Screw Apple, invest in Monsanto or ADM! The future is in corn. And don't be so mean to Miguel and that lady is missing a leg, so don't ask her why she is on those crutches.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Don't pick up that cigarette!
    Don't sleep with him, he is only using you!
    Your pretty enough - don't be so hard on yourself
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I would tell myself not to start going part time to school and working full time it was not worth it. I would also say when you decide to lose the weight at 21 great but when you get married dont overdo the eating on your pregnancy.
    Also I would tell me to not let your weight go when your dad is sick and passed because now you are sitting and upset with yoursef that you have so much to lose.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Stay with computer science thats where the money is.

    I should tell my 18 year old self the same thing. I liked cs, but I couldn't fathom what one would do with it. In hindsight, duh! That field would have given me quite the savings account. Oh well! God had other plans, I suppose.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    You is kind, you is smart, you is important.

  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Why the F did you wait to give a *kitten* about your health
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    do more drugs to calm the F**K down!!
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    Screw what's happened in the past, the next few years will be the FUNNEST and most productive years of your entire life! Also, don't be scared to leave the house and take every opportunity you can grab. :)

    Maybe I should tell myself that again now, cause why shouldn't it be always true!!!
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    You are young and stupid.
    Enjoy it.
    I think I did say that, so I don't really have any additional advice for my 40 years ago self.
    But it sure went fast. Might have advised that.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Don't go there.
    Stop playing WoW now.
    Do more art.
    And drink water.