

  • Drink a glass of water or chew a peice of sugarless gum. If you're still dying of hunger in 15 min then have a snack. Sugarless gum is a life saver for me sometimes :)
  • ^^^ This! Plus make sure you drink a lot of water!
  • I try to do my nails or something if I watch TV. Also brushing your teeth earlier than usual could help. I also go to bed pretty early and I now feel more comfortable with a less full stomach when I fall asleep. And it probably changes from person to person, but if I have a strenuous workout it makes me less hungry.
  • Yes! I do this all the time! A great way to get protein on a salad and it's soooo yummy!
  • ^^^This! But I would suggest getting a pair that are closer to jeans than leggings. I have jeggings from NY & Co. that I really love, and I don't feel like my butt needs to be covered when I wear them.
  • Trader Joe's has a lot of dressings that are really yummy and low calorie:)
  • I think you should take a look at your goals and settings. There must be something wrong because it only counts calories, it doesn't matter what your fat intake or anything is. Maybe you have it set to maintain your weight and not lose?
  • These posts make me feel so much better! I felt like I was alone in my crazy flucuations on the scale! My weight flucuates up to 10 lbs and it can be soooo frustrating! I was on depo several years ago and I'm on the BC pill now so maybe that has something to do with it.
  • Guacamole Deviled Eggs: Make guac to your liking and include the egg yolks. Fill the egg whites as you would with deviled eggs. I had these for breakfasts a couple weeks ago. So good and filling!
  • Ended up shy of my goal but it's a new week! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 514 - Running and Walking Tues: 549 - Walking Wed: 574 - Running and Walking Thur: 579 - Running and Walking Fri: 373 - Walking Sat: 307 - Walking Sun: 0 Total: 2896
  • Okay, here's what I have so far: Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 514 - Running and Walking Tues: 549 - Walking Wed: 574 - Running and Walking Thur: 579 - Running and Walking With a total of 2216 so far it looks like I'm on track to hit my goal!
  • I'm in the same boat... right now I'm 135ish(my weight flucuates A LOT), but I will be pretty happy if I can get between 125 and 130 :)
  • Hi! I've found that eating non processed fruits and veggies really helps. Or soups! I used to eat Lean Cuisines a lot for lunches and I was always famished about an hour later. Now if I bring leftovers or have soup for lunch along with an apple I am full for a lot longer for the same amount of calories or less. I try to…
  • I commit myself to chewing a peice of gum for half an hour before I make a decision about the treat. After 30 minutes the craving is usually gone or at least weak enough for me to have some perspective and I usually just end up keeping on chewing the gum:)
  • I use my immersion blender - it works perfectly!
  • Hi there! Keep in mind that one pound is 3,500 calories so you need a deficit of that many calories over the entire week which isn't easy in itself. Losing 2-3 pounds would be a deficit of 7,000-10,500 over the week, which is pretty impossible to do in a healthy way(unless you lose water weight). Also keep in mind that…