Ate under my cal limit - but would be heavier in 5 weeks??

Hello!, this may be a straight forward question, but i'm still getting my head round calorie counting so i thought i would ask some advice from you all.

Yesterday i ate 100 odd calories under my limit, yet when i completed the log it said that "if i were to continue to eat like this in the next 5 weeks i'd 2kgs more!". I can't quite get my head around that.

I'm guessing it was because my fat intake was -7 and my protein intake was -2? I was under the impression that fats are also essential to a diet? (eg. extra virgin olive oil, small amount of peanut butter - which, incidentally, is what i ate on this particular day)

I'm quite annoyed with myself as i was very careful to input what i was going to eat before i ate it as not to go over my daily calorie allowence.

Any advice or thoughts are much appreciated!


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    That actually doesn't make sense. It strictly uses the calorie counts - it doesn't look at the macronutrients. Are you sure your calorie goal is set properly? Have you increased it from the recommended amount by MFP?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Did you say you would be exercising but didn't log any?
  • velsbree
    velsbree Posts: 69
    how many calories are you eating
  • KellysWorld
    KellysWorld Posts: 2 Member
    You have to eat! Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper. If you don't get the appropriate calories your body will hold on to them because it thinks its going into starvation mode. Hope this helps. :happy:
  • AliceMpls
    AliceMpls Posts: 18
    I think you should take a look at your goals and settings. There must be something wrong because it only counts calories, it doesn't matter what your fat intake or anything is. Maybe you have it set to maintain your weight and not lose?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    You have to eat! Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper. If you don't get the appropriate calories your body will hold on to them because it thinks its going into starvation mode. Hope this helps. :happy:

    With respect I don't think thats what he is asking - its a MFP calculation question. i.e although he has input a 100 calorie deficit, MFP says he will gain weight, which is not correct. I suspect you might have said you were exercising and yet didnt log any
  • deanjcrawford
    deanjcrawford Posts: 83 Member
    i actually havn't logged any exercise, yet. I can't see where to input weight session at the gym. anyways, i don't think i have said anything about exercise when i signed up.

    my final stats for the day were...

    Totals 1,948 186 77 81
    Your Daily Goal 2,100 289 70 79
    Remaining 152 103 -7 -2
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    check your goal weight settings.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    i actually havn't logged any exercise, yet. I can't see where to input weight session at the gym. anyways, i don't think i have said anything about exercise when i signed up.

    my final stats for the day were...

    Totals 1,948 186 77 81
    Your Daily Goal 2,100 289 70 79
    Remaining 152 103 -7 -2

    You can log weight lifting under cardio. The calorie burns aren't very accurate though.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Have you lost weight since you started MFP?

    If so, have you adjusted your calories downward to accommodate the weight loss?

    When I first started MFP, my goal calories to lose half a pound a week were 1870. By the time I finished losing my base calories were down to 1510.

    As you get smaller, you have to cut the calories even more.

    You might just need to go in and adjust your goal settings.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    Check what your activity level is set to and what your starting weight is set to. Maybe you entered these wrong?
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    You sure you starting weight is what you think it is? The site, from all I have seen, only goes up when you submit your food if you are over your calorie limit for the day (assuming you have your calorie limit set at a deficit or at maintenance).

    Next time, take a screen shot and post it so we can see what the system is telling you.
  • TheGarthock
    TheGarthock Posts: 5 Member
    It's gotta be your settings. Using your height, sex, weight and age it figures out your BMR. As long as you're 500 calories under your BMR you'll lose 1 lb a week. Check all those and your goals. I'd guarantee that's where the problem is.
  • deanjcrawford
    deanjcrawford Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks for all the advice- like most of you are saying, i has to be my goals. I've been off and on at this for the last few months but i've got really serious about it this week so will go back and re-check everything and make sure i'm doing it right. I'll give it a week and come back to this thread if it's still off.

    Thanks all, responses much appreicated!!
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    It's gotta be your settings. Using your height, sex, weight and age it figures out your BMR. As long as you're 500 calories under your BMR you'll lose 1 lb a week. Check all those and your goals. I'd guarantee that's where the problem is.

    Listen to that guy.
  • skc2
    skc2 Posts: 2
    You may have said that you are moderately active when you set your goals initially. if you're not logging in your exercising, it assumes you are really sedentary and so it says you will gain weight. I think the easiest thing to do is to call yourself sedentary. Your calorie limit will be lower, but when you then enter exercise, it'll give you some calories back.

    You enter weight lifting under cardio--look for strength training in their list. The FAQ has more about counting calories burned in strength training.
  • i actually havn't logged any exercise, yet. I can't see where to input weight session at the gym. anyways, i don't think i have said anything about exercise when i signed up.

    my final stats for the day were...

    Totals 1,948 186 77 81
    Your Daily Goal 2,100 289 70 79
    Remaining 152 103 -7 -2

    I'm not sure about the final stats...but you can log your weight lifting under: exercise->cardiovascular->strength training

    Are you looking at it as the weight in 5 weeks is higher than yesterday's quote, or higher than what you weigh now?
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    Do you have your goal so you gain weight?
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I don't pay attention to that because mine is screwy all the time.

    For example..
    tonight I completed it and it said 144 in 5 week. I later decided to have a cup of tea, which is zero calories but I still add it cause it bugs me if I don't. I hit complete again and this time it said 143 in 5 weeks. About a month ago I completed my entry and it actually said 0 pounds in 5 weeks.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    No way to know with your diary closed