annapaps Member


  • I think in your pictures you look great and I also never would have guessed your weight is what it is. You want to be healthy, first and foremost, and setting a realistic, reachable goal is exactly what you did when you said 160. Maybe if you reach that weight you'll want to lose even more. It just seem his 140 comment was…
  • The 1200 calorie number MFP came up with was based on your lifestyle, weight loss goals, daily activity level, etc. It's the number of calories you can safely consume and still lose weight with no additional activity level. When you exercise, you are allotted more calories, almost like freebies to go over your caloric…
  • I agree. When I started out on MFP I gained about five pounds then started losing, even though I was following the program to a T. Just keep working at it and you'll see results!
  • Thanks guys! :happy: I do exercise, in fact, I have always been active, but MFP is helping me count calories and to be more conscious of what is going in my body. I didn't realize how much I was really eating before, even when I thought I was being good. I guess my main concern is when I should expect to be near my goal…
  • I give in a little bit to the cravings during that time of the month, and I, too, try not to step on the scale because I don't feel it's an accurate measure of my weight and fitness goals. I think it's important to stay hydrated, and if I am going to indulge in sweeter or fattier foods, I combat that with some extra…
  • Good luck! It won't be an easy journey, but there is tons of support, and the site is so easy to use!
  • I do the same thing. I don't consider it cheating because the more you log and start to notice the nutrition values of foods, the more you'll know you're in the ballpark. 10/20 calories here or there won't hurt. However, if you purposely choose the food that much fewer calories than the other options of the food you can't…
  • It just takes some time for your body to adjust to all the changes. When I first started I followed the program diligently and did not cheat with my calories and actually gained a few pounds. I stuck with it and now I'm down 7. Be patient and keep doing what you're doing - it will happen :)