Not losing weight?

I have two questions, and hopefully someone, or many, will be able to help me.

First, is it normal to not lose pounds right away? I am 5'5" and about 165lbs. I have been doing around 45-60 minutes of cardio at least 6 times a week. I've also recently started to add weight lifting into my routine...but I haven't lost any weight. I feel stronger, but since the number on the scale isn't moving, it makes me feel like I haven't accomplished anything. I'm not sure how to feel about it.

And second, when MFP gives you the calories you've earned by working out, do you normally stay within the original calories (as if you hadn't worked out), or do you eat some of the calories you've earned by working out? I guess I'm just trying to see what most people do. Thank youuuu!!


  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I lost 3 pounds in 6 days and since then I have not lost another pound and it has been half a week. I never eat all the calories they give me. I will eat some of them if I want them, but other than that, I stick to the before exercise amount of calories!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Hang in there. If you are eating right and exercising right you can be assured the weight will come off.
  • familyblacksheep
    Muscle has more weight to it then fat, so that might be the reason they you are not loosing.. You are holding at your current weight because of muscle.
    I do not eat my workout calories. I just eat the regular amount (1200) and pretend like the workout calories are not even there.
    What are you eating as far as meals go?
  • annapaps
    annapaps Posts: 10 Member
    It just takes some time for your body to adjust to all the changes. When I first started I followed the program diligently and did not cheat with my calories and actually gained a few pounds. I stuck with it and now I'm down 7. Be patient and keep doing what you're doing - it will happen :)
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Sometimes my weight loss stalls. Then it starts coming off again. Keep at it!
  • YogiGirlLucy
    I have been staying pretty stagnent, but I wasn't drinking enough water (only a glass), and I wasn't getting enough calories apparantly. I was under 1,200. Usually, with my exercise calories, I can consume 1,600 + (depending on my workouts on any given day). There is no way I can eat that many calories, so I don't even try, I simply do not want to eat that much. BUT, I am making sure I am closer to the 1,200 or a little higher. I think that is making a difference already after only a couple of days because I have stayed - 2 lbs which I lost initally, where as before I had put those 2 lbs back on.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    I was in the same boat... not loosing @ 1200 cals... then set it to lose 1.5lbs a week, then 1lb a week..... still NOTHING!!!

    I now am at maintenance calories and LOSING!!!
  • AmandaR910
    I do not eat my exercise calories unless they cause my net calories to be less than 1200.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    This site is notorious for over-estimating calorie burns. So a good rule of thumb is to never eat back 100% of your exercise calories unless you're absolutely sure that the calorie burns are accurate (a heart rate monitor helps a lot with that). What works for me is only logging about half of the exercise calories I burn and then eating those back and try to stay just under the calorie limit for the day.

    Also, this site gives me a base calorie recommendation that is way too high (that probably has a lot to do with my sedentary life as I'm at a desk nearly all day when I'm not actively trying to burn calories and exercise). So even though I have my stats set at sedentary it recommends calorie totals that would have me setting at the same weight week after week. I have manually set my calorie goals 200-250 calories lower than what the site recommends. If you're sedentary too and you're not losing any weight you might think about lowering your daily calorie goals. That's worked really well for me and I've dropped 60 lbs in 6 months. :)

    Anyway! Good luck, sweetie! I hope you've found some helpful advice with at least one of the posters here. *hugs*