Hi Mandy, My snack fix was preparation. I had to really set myself up for success so that I had the good stuff waiting (selected and portioned) when I got the urge. The support from people on MFP is great. I think you're in the right place.
I'm the reason they make you take towels to the gym. Whether it's cardio or resistance training, I sweat like crazy. Just this morning I did Les Mills Combat-Combat 45 and I couldn't open my eyes for 3 minutes of one of the 5 minute tracks. Crazy!
I'm with you too!
I do. That's why I do mine in the morning before work. Sets the tone for my day!
Hi, I am too. What's your workout of choice?
Find what you love and do it. For me it martial arts so my workouts are centered around those moves. If you love dancing, there are so many series on the streets and classes in the gyms--or just dance around the house. Also a reminder helped me. I have a picture of myself on the wall and have tacked up a pair of pants I…
Wow, I need a local gym to go to and I was considering them...