My stupid local Planet Fitness.....



  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Although I get that PF's are independently owned, I would not hesitate to say that one I go to stinks. Much of the equipment is really old and either broken or almost broken, the gym itself is dirty, and they do not have squat racks. I only joined because it's where my BF goes (he needs a place that's 24/7 and it's the closest one to his house) so we lift there together on the weekends and I go to a different gym during the week. Also, the db's only go up to 75# which is not a problem for me, but it is for my BF.

    More than anything, I dislike it because of the first two reasons (broken equipment and filth).
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member

    Angry much?

    So you don't like PF. Ok. I get it so why not let the people who do work out there because it's affordable for them and who have zero problem there -- and yes I dead lift, lift heavy, breath heavy and sometimes *gasp* GRUNT when I lift and I have never had any issues with them telling me to stop and leave -- work out there and you can go on to your own gym and we'll all be happy? Oh and FTR, my PF does have "muscle head' looking guys working out there and the funny thing is that they all came from the fancy -- sorry, I meant real -- gym my husband used to go to and they seem to like it just fine.

    That's actually my biggest gripe with them. There are some locations that are decent, but most are utter trash. As a franchise, they really need to figure out which direction they want to go, and enforce that. For example, McDonalds are all franchise. Yeah, the food sucks, but it's the same kind of suck at every location, with VERY little deviation. When you see the sign, you already know exactly what to expect before you even pull into the parking lot.
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member

    Angry much?

    So you don't like PF. Ok. I get it so why not let the people who do work out there because it's affordable for them and who have zero problem there -- and yes I dead lift, lift heavy, breath heavy and sometimes *gasp* GRUNT when I lift and I have never had any issues with them telling me to stop and leave -- work out there and you can go on to your own gym and we'll all be happy? Oh and FTR, my PF does have "muscle head' looking guys working out there and the funny thing is that they all came from the fancy -- sorry, I meant real -- gym my husband used to go to and they seem to like it just fine.

    That's actually my biggest gripe with them. There are some locations that are decent, but most are utter trash. As a franchise, they really need to figure out which direction they want to go, and enforce that. For example, McDonalds are all franchise. Yeah, the food sucks, but it's the same kind of suck at every location, with VERY little deviation. When you see the sign, you already know exactly what to expect before you even pull into the parking lot.

    MOST are utter trash? Have you been to MOST Planet Fitness locations in order to make such a comment? I'm guessing no, since you seem to be so obsessed with your end-all, be-all perfect gym that you wouldn't dare step foot in such a "low-class" establishment. You have obviously never been to the PF I go to because they have everything the average meat-head would ever want in a gym, including other meatheads to show off their muscles to.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Angry much?

    So you don't like PF. Ok. I get it so why not let the people who do work out there because it's affordable for them and who have zero problem there -- and yes I dead lift, lift heavy, breath heavy and sometimes *gasp* GRUNT when I lift and I have never had any issues with them telling me to stop and leave -- work out there and you can go on to your own gym and we'll all be happy? Oh and FTR, my PF does have "muscle head' looking guys working out there and the funny thing is that they all came from the fancy -- sorry, I meant real -- gym my husband used to go to and they seem to like it just fine.

    That's actually my biggest gripe with them. There are some locations that are decent, but most are utter trash. As a franchise, they really need to figure out which direction they want to go, and enforce that. For example, McDonalds are all franchise. Yeah, the food sucks, but it's the same kind of suck at every location, with VERY little deviation. When you see the sign, you already know exactly what to expect before you even pull into the parking lot.

    MOST are utter trash? Have you been to MOST Planet Fitness locations in order to make such a comment? I'm guessing no, since you seem to be so obsessed with your end-all, be-all perfect gym that you wouldn't dare step foot in such a "low-class" establishment. You have obviously never been to the PF I go to because they have everything the average meat-head would ever want in a gym, including other meatheads to show off their muscles to.

    Most Planet Fitness locations do not allow you to do barbell squats or deadlifts. Therefore most PF locations are trash, since those are the two best exercises possible.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    MOST are utter trash? Have you been to MOST Planet Fitness locations in order to make such a comment? I'm guessing no, since you seem to be so obsessed with your end-all, be-all perfect gym that you wouldn't dare step foot in such a "low-class" establishment. You have obviously never been to the PF I go to because they have everything the average meat-head would ever want in a gym, including other meatheads to show off their muscles to.


    Obviously, I have not been to yours. In fact if one of the eight I had been to had been yours, I might not think so lowly of them. However, combining my experience with the described experience of many other people in a large variety of locations, I think it's safe to say that your location is the odd man out, and far from the norm.

    Way to ignore my point, by the way. :wink:
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member

    Angry much?

    So you don't like PF. Ok. I get it so why not let the people who do work out there because it's affordable for them and who have zero problem there -- and yes I dead lift, lift heavy, breath heavy and sometimes *gasp* GRUNT when I lift and I have never had any issues with them telling me to stop and leave -- work out there and you can go on to your own gym and we'll all be happy? Oh and FTR, my PF does have "muscle head' looking guys working out there and the funny thing is that they all came from the fancy -- sorry, I meant real -- gym my husband used to go to and they seem to like it just fine.

    That's actually my biggest gripe with them. There are some locations that are decent, but most are utter trash. As a franchise, they really need to figure out which direction they want to go, and enforce that. For example, McDonalds are all franchise. Yeah, the food sucks, but it's the same kind of suck at every location, with VERY little deviation. When you see the sign, you already know exactly what to expect before you even pull into the parking lot.

    MOST are utter trash? Have you been to MOST Planet Fitness locations in order to make such a comment? I'm guessing no, since you seem to be so obsessed with your end-all, be-all perfect gym that you wouldn't dare step foot in such a "low-class" establishment. You have obviously never been to the PF I go to because they have everything the average meat-head would ever want in a gym, including other meatheads to show off their muscles to.

    Most Planet Fitness locations do not allow you to do barbell squats or deadlifts. Therefore most PF locations are trash, since those are the two best exercises possible.

    Ahhhh, okay. I wasn't aware that the two exercises that you think are the best are also the best for every other person out there. Silly me. For the record, there are people doing barbell squats all day long at my PF location. And if there are locations out there that are so terribly bad that you think "why would anyone ever want to come here," then I'm sure they're seeing a huge loss in membership and will probably have to either sell or close. But to make the generalization that most locations are terrible is just ignorant. If a gym doesn't have exactly what you want, and you can afford to go to an expensive gym that has it, by all means, go there. But don't trash the gym just because it isn't perfectly tailored to your needs, because it is probably perfectly tailored to other people's needs. They have a broad customer base and therefore need to spend their money on the equipment that appeals to the masses.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Ahhhh, okay. I wasn't aware that the two exercises that you think are the best are also the best for every other person out there. Silly me. For the record, there are people doing barbell squats all day long at my PF location. And if there are locations out there that are so terribly bad that you think "why would anyone ever want to come here," then I'm sure they're seeing a huge loss in membership and will probably have to either sell or close. But to make the generalization that most locations are terrible is just ignorant. If a gym doesn't have exactly what you want, and you can afford to go to an expensive gym that has it, by all means, go there. But don't trash the gym just because it isn't perfectly tailored to your needs, because it is probably perfectly tailored to other people's needs. They have a broad customer base and therefore need to spend their money on the equipment that appeals to the masses.

    And since we can all agree on the old adage 'a person is smart, but people are stupid', their success with 'the masses' is easily explained.

    And for the record, anyone who tells you that deadlifts and squats aren't a vital part of any strength training regimen, should be dragged out back and kneecapped by a guy named Vito, then beat over the head with a sack full of doorknobs until the derp is shaken free and allowed to leak from their ears. :drinker:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I could never workout on equipment that looks like it belongs in Barbie's Dream House.. not to mention the no grunting rule.. no grunting? Really?

    If you have a need to grunt you should probably learn how to work out, you're probably not lifting correctly if you're going to grunt like an animal.

    If you don't grunt maybe you should exert some actual effort once
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Most Planet Fitness locations do not allow you to do barbell squats or deadlifts. Therefore most PF locations are trash, since those are the two best exercises possible.

    Seriously? What kind of place is this? Their marketing must be AMAZING.

    Fitness is in their name, but wont allow you to perform basic exercises to increase your level of fitness. GENIUS!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Ahhhh, okay. I wasn't aware that the two exercises that you think are the best are also the best for every other person out there.

    Well, now you are :)

    Seriously, though, they are. No exercise builds more muscle over more of the body than squats and deadlifts. No exercise builds more functional ability than squats and deadlifts. No exercise works stabilizing muscles more than squats and deadlifts. No exercise strengthens ligaments and other connective tissue more than deadlifts.

    Everyone should be doing strength training, and if squats and deadlifts are not part of your strength training program you're not doing it as well as you could be. I understand some medical conditions, injuries, etc, may make it impossible or inadvisable to do those exercises, and that's fine.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Most Planet Fitness locations do not allow you to do barbell squats or deadlifts. Therefore most PF locations are trash, since those are the two best exercises possible.

    Seriously? What kind of place is this? Their marketing must be AMAZING.

    Fitness is in their name, but wont allow you to perform basic exercises to increase your level of fitness. GENIUS!

    I've been to a couple of locations, and 75% of the floor space was dedicated to cardio machines. They serve pizza for free on Mondays. They have some circuit/nautilus type machines.

    I guess some locations have squat racks and benches, but I imagine no deadlifting platforms. They cater to the popular image of "fitness" as "people who run on treadmills for hours." Their marketing actively makes fun of people who try to build muscle.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Most Planet Fitness locations do not allow you to do barbell squats or deadlifts. Therefore most PF locations are trash, since those are the two best exercises possible.

    Seriously? What kind of place is this? Their marketing must be AMAZING.

    Fitness is in their name, but wont allow you to perform basic exercises to increase your level of fitness. GENIUS!
    Their marketing is genius. Sell one-year memberships to people most likely not to show up more than once or twice.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Most Planet Fitness locations do not allow you to do barbell squats or deadlifts. Therefore most PF locations are trash, since those are the two best exercises possible.

    Seriously? What kind of place is this? Their marketing must be AMAZING.

    Fitness is in their name, but wont allow you to perform basic exercises to increase your level of fitness. GENIUS!
    Their marketing is genius. Sell one-year memberships to people most likely not to show up more than once or twice.

    Yeah. At $10 a month, people can - and do - pay the fee and never go, and not feel too badly about it. I'd love to see the percentage of people who have an active membership but haven't been inside in over a month.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    MOST are utter trash? Have you been to MOST Planet Fitness locations in order to make such a comment? I'm guessing no, since you seem to be so obsessed with your end-all, be-all perfect gym that you wouldn't dare step foot in such a "low-class" establishment. You have obviously never been to the PF I go to because they have everything the average meat-head would ever want in a gym, including other meatheads to show off their muscles to.

    Just because a gym has a simple squat rack and some barbells does not make it a "high-class" establishment. It makes it a freaking gym.

    The Average Meathead

    PS, You wanna see my muscles?
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I could never workout on equipment that looks like it belongs in Barbie's Dream House.. not to mention the no grunting rule.. no grunting? Really?

    If you have a need to grunt you should probably learn how to work out, you're probably not lifting correctly if you're going to grunt like an animal.

    If you don't grunt maybe you should exert some actual effort once

    I would say that there is definitely a difference between some unnecessary screaming, however if you are exerting yourself as you should be and exhaling properly, there's going to be some grunting.

    Too bad I am not an ambulance chasing lawyer looking for Planet Fitness members who received an aneurism while trying to adhere to the no grunting (might as well be no breathing) policy.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i realize you're paying for that gym and i can certainly understand your frustration however my office gym looks just like that. ALL THE TIME. when i want to do wall crunches using the exercise ball i have to use the wall behind the trash can because it's the only wall space available in the entire room. the rest of the walls are either covered with mirrors or have machines in front of them.

    fyi from their commercials PF looks like an awesome gym. guess it's not.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Angry much?

    No, but you are

    MOST are utter trash? Have you been to MOST Planet Fitness locations in order to make such a comment? I'm guessing no, since you seem to be so obsessed with your end-all, be-all perfect gym that you wouldn't dare step foot in such a "low-class" establishment. You have obviously never been to the PF I go to because they have everything the average meat-head would ever want in a gym, including other meatheads to show off their muscles to.

    methinks you don't even realize what a meathead is and what exercises a meathead would like to do. bigger than you=meathead.

    planet fitness is a subpar gym. for many people, it will do just fine and i no longer dump on them as a francshise. I've now come to believe that PF is a net good because their ultra cheap rates will get people into a gym that may never have gone otherwise, and once those people get used to working out and gain a basis of knowledge, they may then go to a "real" gym where they have access to better equipment. but just because you like it and appreciate it doesn't mean that it's on the same level as true gyms, with true meatheads.

  • HotChocolate75
    HotChocolate75 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, I need a local gym to go to and I was considering them...
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Planet Fitness is a franchise that requires franchisees to support their ridiculuolsy low advertised prices.

    If you are a franchisee and try and open one in an area with high rents or high energy costs, you are basically screwed.

    They are much better than noithing, but in many areas, the local Y has been upgraded to compete with local gyms and they may have a better deal.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    sorry but common sense would tell me not to use it

    our weights area is in the process of being renovated. we just arnt using it for 4 days, might be a little annoying to have to change routines for a few days but at least you wont injure yourselfs tripping over things