

  • You can look into getting a heart rate monitor. Once you enter your information into it, you'll be able to track how many calories you burn during the workout and then log it that way.
  • Point of clarity. I don't feed my kids sugary desserts. I'm in my weight "situation" from poor food choices and I am trying to help my children avoid those mistakes. I usually make them fruit smoothies. Strictly unprocessed foods. Whole foods only. That's what makes them "special." The kids love the taste and think they…
  • I do it through portions. I am trying to lose weight so I count calories and eat less then my daughter who is very underweight and needs to be eating more calories. I also make my kids a "special" dessert after dinner that I usually don't eat because they need to the calories and I do not.
  • Special K (and I'm sure other diet plans) have flavor packets that you can add to your water without adding tons of calories. You can also look at Crystal Light. They have a huge variety of 0 calorie flavor packets to make it easier to drink.
  • I check my weight everyday and record changes, up or down. This is really only accurate if you do it at the same time everyday. The most accurate weight measurement is first thing in the morning (although you weigh the least in the middle of the night when the moon is the farthest from Earth due to gravitational pull!). If…
  • The truth about High Fructoses Corn syrup is that it is just like sugar in your body. It's processed the same way and your body doesn't know the difference. As long as you are able to keep track of your intake it is just like cane sugar. The problem with it is that, as you discovered, it is sometimes found in foods you…
  • Keep a supply of cut veggies that you ucan snack on instead of the candy. The best advice that I ever got was to brush your teeth right after you eat. The leftover taste of the toothpaste will change the flavor of your snacks and make them less desirable to eat. You can also chew gum throughout the afternoon which will…
  • Congratulations! That is awesome news! I hope you are able to make your next goal!
  • You should be spacing your meals out throughout the day. Instead of 3 big meals you are better off with 6 half meals. Also, make sure that your last meal/snack is at least 3 hours before you go to bed. When you sleep your body processes food more slowly so youo don't want to go tot sleep with food still digesting in your…
  • You need to take in more calories. If you burn too many calories over what you a consuming your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts storing away calories instead of burning them. Look at your BMR. This is the amount of calories that you would burn if you need nothing but get out of bed in the morning. Add the 1200…
  • Try wrapping your hot spots with mole skin or band-aid brand Blister Blocker. I find that works really well in preventing blisters on my heels.
  • To lose weight you need to be burning more calories than you are taking in. Look at your BMR. That is the number of calories that you would lose if you stayed in bed all day and did nothing. My BMR is just over 1400 calories. This means that is I limit yself to 1200 calories in a day I still am defiect of 200 calories and…