

  • Have you tried adding the individual ingredients to your diary, one at a time? Once you're done, you can save that meal as "Homemade Chili" or whatever you'd like to call it and you can have for future reference anytime. Hopefully, we'll be able to make creating recipes on our site much easier in the future. Good luck!
  • Hi Bosanka, One way to think about it is to view your daily calorie goal as a budget. You have 1600 calories per day that you can "spend" by eating different foods. Every food you eat has some number of calories associated with it and when you log that food in your diary we reduce your calorie budget for that day by that…
  • Hi Mocha, Welcome to the site and good luck meeting your goals in 2010! Albert
  • Good luck on your new goal for 2010! Even if you didn't hit 800 in 2009, just sticking with it was a big success. Happy New Year!
  • Glad you're making the change. Good luck with everything and hope you enjoy your experience here!
  • Great job, keep it up!!!
  • There's actually a calculator created by Nintendo that helps you figure out how many calories you burn with Wii Fit. If you want, you can use that to create custom exercises on MyFitnessPal to help you track your workouts. The only catch's in Japanese! There's a little article I read that has links to the calorie…
  • Hey Everyone, Thank you so much for the warm welcome! Mike and I are really excited about the possibilities for the site and we're always humbled and inspired by your great success stories. Looking forward to becoming a more active member of the community. :smile: Albert (you can call me "Al")
  • Congratulations, keep up the good work!
  • This sounds awesome. Which cable service offers this?