

  • That is so great! When we do this for ourselves it feels great but when others see it too it becomes wonderful!
  • thank you for sharing your photos - it helps keep all of us on the right track
  • It may be what you are eating, for example, too much fat or sugar, not enough protien or fiber. Have you measured yourself? That is where bigger changes are in store for anyone. Just a few suggestions cause these were changes I had to make.
  • I have been trying to do the 30 day challenge on the Wii EA Active and after the first day I could hardly walk and certainly not squat. I will do it again today but had to take a break. The Wii Fit is FUN and the Active is hard work. Worth the cost. It doesn't compare with a 30 minute intense aeorobic workout but still I…
  • If you have the proper amount of portein than your body is only desigend to go 3 hours without food again. You have to find a way to avoid being hungry because you are more like to stray off the path. I have breakfast and 2 small lunches, then dinner. It normally leaves me enough to have a great dinner and possibly a snack…
  • I am so glad someone else mentions the thought of wanting to rip off your clothes and run around naked. That is a good idea that something is wrong with your body. Kudos on your loss!
  • I try to involve my kids in the exercise. They love it - they are a bit in the way but it is better than not doing anything at all.
  • I use a lot of recipes from Pampered Chef. Most of them are low calorie and I don't have to adjust for my food level. Escpecially their books for dinner in less than 29 minutes (they aren't kidding about that!). Most of the time I use a meat pounder to thin out the chicken before I cook it. Just put the boneless, skinless…
  • I am 4'10" and I am aiming at 105-110. Most of it deals with how you feel in your clothes. All my weight is right in my stomach so I have trouble with my clothes fitting. Stress is my biggest problem in where my weight settled. Oh... and the kids!
  • You can double check your calories at