

  • That's a misconception that a lot of us has had until we started the process ourselves. Just remeber: YOU HAVE TO EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT!! In doing research on this question, I've read that if you starve yourself, you won't lose weight because the body is going to think that it's not going to get fed and hold on to the fat…
  • @Anna19911, I totally agree! I had to learn the hard way! The natural way is cheaper/more affordable and it lasts longer.
  • I tried SENSA but not long enough to see any results. At first I started feeling full like it said I was suppose to but then those were only for like large meals. It's suppose to help with portion control and since I already eat my portions, I felt that SENSA wasn't working for me. I wasn't feeling the "fullness" when I…
  • I am a working mom but I have a supportive family. I exercise in the evenings so my aunt, my hubby, or my mom, keeps my 2-year-old (depending on whom she feels like being with at the time), but the 11-year-old likes to go with me to my Zumba class--so I have her with me. If you have some equipment in your home, try…
  • I haven't gotten into the whole "eating healthy" thing myself. I just watch my portion sizes, make sure I get my workout in, and drink water. It's been working for me so far. Everybody's different. Do what works for you so that you won't be discouraged about losing the weight.
  • I've heard they do because they make you sweat the fat off, but I haven't experienced it to really know for sure.
  • I was told tby my Zumba instructor that running makes everything fall off, so you might want to try running.
  • You may have lost inches or gained muscle. After reading people's posts everyday, I guess it's safe for me to say don't worry about the scale. It will move eventually; just keep doing your routine.
  • Check and see if they have a website. If so, look up the menu/nutritional info and that should tell you. That's usually how I find the information for what Im eating when MFP don't have it listed in their database.
  • I'm jealous!! I'm next. Congrats!!
  • Fries are my weakness! I haven't gotten to the point where I want to throw them away yet, so congrats to you for your will power!
  • Tristallin, I hope this happens to my feet during my weight loss process. I have big feet to be a woman and I always wondered if there was a such thing as losing weight in the feet. I guess it is!
  • Tissyazd, I totally agree with you. I have done the same thing as in still eating what I want, but eating my portions. The only major thing that I have really done was to stop drinking sodas and incorporate more water in my diet. There were times when I wouldn't even drink water, only to brush my teeth. I've managed to…
  • PercyPig, I do sometimes feel like not logging my food, too but I like to see how many calories are in what I'm eating. I'm still trying to learn how many calories are too much for one food. I eat it as long as it's within my caloric intake. I don't eat up all of my calories most of the time becaue I don't know what to eat…
  • I'm no expert, but I am a firm believer in that too much of anything isn't good. I think that one 62/64 oz cup is enough for a day. I don't think that you need to drink two 62/64 oz cups everyday. You're drinking way too much. You only need about 64 oz (8 servings of 8 oz) a day. I hope this helps. But I do commend you! I…
  • You can try the 100 Calorie Packs, fruit (fresh), yogurt, basically anything that's a snack food, but health at the same time. If you prefer chips, eat the baked ones. I just started last week and I've already lost 9 pounds! I do aerobics two days a week and the gym on Saturday