bethpeterson Member


  • I wish I had amazing advice... I pulled up your thread because I too need help. If you are not getting enough calories daily and find yourself snacking on junk, remember the old saying, garbage in, garbage out... If you don't fuel your body well it will not perform well. Healthy snacks could be cheese, deli meat, or even a…
  • I also noticed that your "big meal" was dinner... Although socially that makes sense, at least to me, have you tried evenly balancing your calories between your meals? I read Prevention Magazine's 400 calorie fix, and it suggested that 400 calories was a sufficient amount to fuel your body, and recommended that if you had…
  • Although it is not a fitness game, my brother got me "Just Dance" and I worked up a sweat while challenging my daughters to some fun. I got a kick out of the music and even my husband tried a round of "Cotton Eyed Joe." This is probably not something to develop long-term health, but fun for the family.
  • As you enter foods daily, MFP will track your entries, and the listings of food you regularly eat will show up. You can then choose those foods directly, rather than re-typing. For example, every morning I have coffee w/2 tbsp SF creamer for breakfast. After the first day I was able to simply check the box in front of…
  • I also recommend the slow cooker. I have a crock pot cookbook that has all the calories, etc for all the recipes. I am also a working mom, although no longer with an infant. I have a toddler and 2 older children. My hubby is great at following a recipe if I make sure that I leave all ingredients out for him. He "cooks"…
  • As far as today goes, I would recommend soups and salad to get through the rest of today. Also if you have time for exercise, that would give you some cushion to eat a little more for the rest of today. Maybe you need to spend a little time looking at where your calories are going lately... Have you been eating more carbs?…
  • My family really likes Tofu Parmiagiana: Slice tofu into thin (1/4") slices. Dry on a paper towel. Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt-free Italian seasoning. Bake on a cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Top with mozzarella, and broil until bubbly. Serve on whole wheat pasta topped with Marinara sauce &…