Switching from Weight Watchers to MFP

Is there a way to enter a list of the foods I eat regularly and be able to view them like the favorites list on Weight Watchers?


  • marinabrazil
    marinabrazil Posts: 106 Member
    As soon as you log them on your food diary MFP saves it on to your account so every time you want to add it just check the little box next to the saved food.
  • bethpeterson
    bethpeterson Posts: 7 Member
    As you enter foods daily, MFP will track your entries, and the listings of food you regularly eat will show up. You can then choose those foods directly, rather than re-typing. For example, every morning I have coffee w/2 tbsp SF creamer for breakfast. After the first day I was able to simply check the box in front of coffee rather than searching for it again.

    You can also save meals, and repeat meals from previous days.
  • Disneyfan05
    Disneyfan05 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you everyone!:flowerforyou: