

  • I'm usually an on-the-go breakfast eater so I'll usually grab a Luna bar on my way (usually close to 180 calories). They have several different flavors so I don't get tired of them. I also absolutely love any kind of fresh fruit first thing in the morning, especially during the summer. A big plate of fresh fruit would be…
  • @DonniesGirl69 - 30 w/ a lovely smile!
  • First, congratulations on your 17 lbs. You should be proud! I have been going to a boot camp 5-6 days a week for the last 7 months and just in that time I have had several highs and lows. When you exercise every single day it's hard to keep the motivation at the same level the whole time. You just have to "keep on keepin'…
  • 100 calorie sandwich thins Laughing Cow Cheese Special K Cracker Chips Almond Milk 100 Calorie Kettle Corn Fresh peaches Luna Bars (Mint Covered Chocolate) These things have saved me from many "binges" on sweets...delicious food that is sooo much better for you!
  • @aliann30 - In your picture you remind me of Emma Stone !
  • - I've never felt as organized and driven in my life as I do now! - I really want a stinkin' oreo now..thanks! ;) - I've learned that nothing worth while is easy, but makes you proud to accomplish it These are my lovely words of wisdom for Thursday. (One oreo cookie has 53 calories and 5 grams of sugar...fyi)
    in Oreos Comment by hoodlette June 2012
  • http://media-cache-ec8.pinterest.com/upload/148055906469401528_0IpCyiE4_f.jpg This post reminded me this picture I saw on Pinterest..haha Good for her and anyone else that has lost weight!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I live in a neighborhood where it is easy to run so I have been running outside. I can definitely see how it would be different than running on a treadmill. There is a stinkin' hill in my running path that I curse every time I come to it!
  • It does feel really awesome after the run! The heat is tough (especially here in East Texas) but if we can run in this heat then we can definitely run in better weather!
  • It is really hard to think of being able run the 3 miles in a little over 2 months! I'm shooting for a 5k in Dallas in September! I'm hoping that will give me time to complete the program and possibly even work on my time before I try it! Good luck!
  • Thanks! Good to know.
  • I've started C25K as well! I've been going to a boot camp 5 days a week for about 7 months, but there isn't any long-term running involved. I'm hoping to run a 5k in September of this year!
  • Longview, TX! Wouldn't have it any other way!
  • I like to use the whole grain sandwich thins. It is 100 calories for 2 pieces so you still get your whole sandwich with half of the bread calories that you would normally consume. :)
  • Hi! I'm 23. I just started using MFP 2 1/2 weeks ago and love it! I would definitely be interested in talking to other people going through the same thing I am so add me if you would like to!
  • I've only been doing this for a few days, but I've already lost a few pounds. Some days I'll eat foods that are bad and other days I'll eat foods that are good. It's crazy to see how much more healthy food you can eat within your set calories than the unhealthy food. I think it just comes down to how much you want to eat.…