stevenc68 Member


  • I have about 60 to get rid of - let's all friend up and motivate :)
  • I hear you; I have this discussion with a friend of mine; he's a 44 year old male eating only 1200 calories a day.... while he lost 50 lbs over 5-6 months - he's destroying his metabolism... I think you're doing the right thing, talking about it. and I am happy to do just that, let's keep talking about it... let's try…
  • Welcome! Looks like we have a couple things in common, age, triglycerides and goals for change. There are many things to to, so let's take it one step at a time; 1. You've added a photo, great! now you can see your progress at a later date 2. Track your food in great detail, no matter how bad it is; this gives you an idea…
  • Sassy, sexy .... Stunning... You need a pick me up? Look in the mirror, you're amazing! nice work! great smile! love your hair! Looking FANTASTIC!!! Best Wishes! Steve
  • Stick with it - I know what you mean by your body rebelling... My body developed pain in my hip, I adjusted my work out, my hip got better - then my knee started to fail (for weeks) - I was beginning to feel that "discouraged" feeling... I re-adjusted my work out (but notice I keep active)... My knee isn't 100% I have…
  • The water gets easier over time - my issue is coffee each day at work... with sugar (splenda) and creamer it is un-needed calories... and water is a better benefit. Ok, now - food tracking - is SO WORTH IT... put everything in, no matter how bad the food is... you can see quickly not only if you're going over calories, but…
  • Consider it done Tim! I started on this attempt without a group of people about a year ago by cycling to work (12.2 miles each way) - I did drop about 20lbs, but as winter set in, my cycling stopped.. needless to say I gained back some of it.. but surprisingly the cycling kept the weight off longer... This go round, i will…
  • Ah! Great Point to add! My Motivation! I have a few; 1. More active with my family - have the energy to just do it! 2. Went to the Dr. Said high Cholesterol and Triglycerides and bordering diabetes (Oh Noeees!) I refused the cholesterol medication and chose a more natural medication (plant sterols and stanols) along with…
  • Absolutely stunning and incredible ! this is way better than a reality show, you've proven you can do it, and I can tell by your confidence you will maintain as well... You look GREAT! Amazing! Awesome! Steve
  • I usually pack my lunches each day... If people ask me out to lunch, they usually do so early on so I tend to eat my lunch early , then maybe have a salad and water (no dressing) while out with the group. I use to just go out and have water only, but that felt a bit awkward being the only one eating. Steve
  • Here are a couple things i have done 1. I have a desk i can stand or sit at 2. I bring my bike to work and at lunch time i ride 13.5 miles to burn some calories Or 3. I ride my bike to work and from work 12.2 miles each way The bike forces you to finish your workout, unlike a stationary option that you can quit when tired.…