

  • Thanks guys!! I think I've been very good for a while. Especially this last month of Insanity, I've tried really I think it's because I'm in my last weekso it makes me feel like I should be sup strict and I think that is why I am feeling this way. This made me feel better though. Seriously THANK YOU!!
  • Thank you! You are so right the first two weeks are hard, and ending week 3 I feel stronger but I am done with the little successes and want the major ones to start coming. Can you tell I'm a little impatient? Hahaha! Thank you again thought his is mentally tough. I am in a rural city teaching with Teach For America, I…
  • Awesome, thanks so much. Finished week 3 yesterday and i do feel stronger and you are so right about feeling flat then flabby. I hate that! I think the calorie thing is what is in my head. This is the second time I've done month one and the first time I was keeping my calories in that range. Right now I'm more on the…
  • Agree here too. This week will be the last week in month one for me. Although I haven't lost weight I feel stronger and I hear month two is where the real *kitten* kicking starts so we shall see. Hope to get those results. Probably have to go two rounds, so I will need support along the way as well! :)
  • Thanks for all your help!! Very much appreciate it!!
  • Thank you I got my TDEE trying to keep up with all this information. For years I've been a power lifter and college softball player but I guess I was just one big uneducated athlete. Thanks again!!
  • Ditto to that. I am trying to have friends to keep me accountable. I am a former power lifter and college softball player. I have packed on the pounds recently and just started Insanity on Monday. I want to be healthier and loose some weight. Anyone that think they can help please add me!! Thanks so much in advance for…
  • So I'm doing a 1,200 calorie diet. Think that might not be enough? I just want to try and up the process a bit. I only weigh myself every two weeks, so hopefully on Monday the scales show something different than what I feel.