

  • Fantastic job! Good for you!
  • The Tough Mudder is a blast. Just completed my first one last weekend and signed up with a half off code for two in 2015. Just go into it as a fitness test for yourself. You can see where you are at with your overall fitness. (The camaraderie is fantastic and you can always skip any obstacle you can't or aren't comfortable…
  • I personally can't handle either. Both the camelback and carrying water drive me crazy while I'm running. For trail runs, I won't go out a long distance without a running buddy. (Who is usually equipped with all the goodies where I am not. If it's 15 miles or under I just need a couple of GU's and I'm good. Great to have a…
  • Same answer as the others. I do them the same days. I work out Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. All days cardio followed by the weight room. Monday / Wednesday 30 Minutes Elliptical. Thursday 5 Mile Run. Saturday 10-20 mile run.
  • The heavier you are at the start the easier it is. Lol. Two to three pounds used to be the normal for me. Now it's down to 1.5 as I get lower in weight. Every decrease at that weekly weigh in, however, is appreciated! I really need to invent a scale... I don't even need it to give me weight loss numbers. Just play the…
  • I use Runkeeper. For the most part its fairly accurate. I do the same walk every day at work and it keeps the mileage the same. The GPS can glitch but it's a rare occurrence. (I.E. It'll say you went five miles when you went one.) It also lets you manually track and it can sync right up with the myfitnesspal app.
  • Out of curiosity, do you guys recommend Insanity, P90X, or anything like that? Or would I be better off with free lifting, etc.? Just curious.
  • Is it only while you exercise that you get the pain? Do you get it at all in the mornings or after a long day of regular working, etc?
  • On My Way to 100: 2/1 - 2/7: 26.69 Miles 2/9 - 5.29 Miles 2/10 - 2.48 Miles 2/11 - 5.69 Miles 2/12 - 2.35 Miles 2/13 - 5.88 Miles = 48.38 Miles
  • 32 Year Old Smart *kitten* Husband 5'10" S/W: 257 C/W: 219 G/W: 170 Really been getting into running. Elliptical during the week to help with the plantar fasciitis and run on the weekends. First 5k coming up this weekend and a couple of mud runs planned for later this year.
  • On My Way to 100: 2/1 - 4.79 Miles 2/3 - 5.65 Miles 2/4 - 2.37 Miles 2/5 - 5.65 Miles 2/6 - 2.42 Miles 2/7 - 5.81 Miles 2/9 - 5.29 Miles 2/10 - 2.48 Miles = 34.46 Miles A Third of the way there!
  • Aiming for 100 Miles myself: 2/1 - 4.79 Miles 2/3 - 5.65 Miles 2/4 - 2.37 Miles 2/5 - 5.65 Miles 2/6 - 2.42 Miles = 20.88 Miles
  • Good for you! Welcome to the community. My wife is from Burnaby as well. She gave up the oh so lovely Canadian weather for the California sun and an annoying but fun-loving husband known as myself. Lol. Good luck on your goals and feel free to add me if you're looking for friends / support!
  • More than welcome to add me if wanted. I log Monday - Friday. The weekend I'm outta here so as to retain my sanity and motivation. =)
    in ADD ME! Comment by rontuu January 2014
  • Reward is a $150 dollar bottle of wine and a picnic under the stars for the lady and I this weekend. I just won't tell her how much I spent on the bottle of wine. Lol.
  • I'm 29. Starting weight of 254 on March 15th. Current weight of 224. Anyone is welcome to add me! CJ
  • I haven't had a lot of problems getting my groove back after the weekends. My day usually starts at 5:30... Cup of coffee, light breakfast and jam to work. It does take a conscious choice at work though to either pack a healthy lunch or to eat something healthier. (Usually Subway, and staying away from any and all fast…
  • Thanks for the thoughts everyone. I do appreciate it! CJ