How Bad is Weekend Splurging?

rontuu Posts: 23
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Basically, the way I'm dieting is both running Monday - Friday and keeping a strict calorie diet. On the weekends, however, I need my freedom and I say to hell with it. I don't log into the app, and allow myself some freedom. I still eat conservatively, meaning no crazy stuff. I may allow myself to go out to eat once or twice on the weekend with friends. (And actually eat a full restaurant meal despite the horrid calories likely in it! Haha.)

The biggest thing is I allow alcohol which I won't drink at all during the week. I may have a drink or two on friday night and I'll usually have three or four drinks on the saturday and have a good time. (No judging! I'm a karaoke-a-holic! Lol.) I'm just curious on how bad the weekend spluring might be for the health. I've lost 25 pounds so far... (Since March) So I'm doing great! Maybe a few pounds behind on what it could be though.

Any shared thoughts is appreciated!



  • That's actually not a bad thing in the end. I've heard studies conducted with two groups: one with a strict consistent caloric diet (ie. 1600 cal/day) and another group that has a varying degree of of calories each day ( Apparently it's good for your metabolism to splurge once a week or every few days. If you're losing weight, all the better!
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    You're not in prison, weekends off are allowed (: While you probably won't lose as quickly as if you kept at it every day, if you want to have your weekends you should.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I think you are the only one who can answer that one. Are you losing weight doing this? Than more power to you and enjoy those weekends! If your not, than you might have to cut it down to one free day or no free days. Whatever helps you get the weight off and keep you motivated! :flowerforyou:
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    It really comes down to what works for you. I know that weekend splurges don't work very well for me, but everyone is different. If you're losing weight and are happy, then by all means keep it up! If for some reason your weight loss stalls, you will already know where to adjust, which is a benefit a lot of us don't really get! :-)
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I still think it would be a good idea to log your weekends. Don't get me wrong, I'm (much) more lenient on weekends than I am during the week, like you, but I still log and stay near or under my calorie goals. At the most, you should intake no more than maintenance on weekends so it's a good idea to log it and make sure you can monitor that.

    Then again, if you've been doing this since March and still losing, keep up your way. :-)
  • rontuu
    rontuu Posts: 23
    Thanks for the thoughts everyone. I do appreciate it!

  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    I think it's great that you're able to take the weekends off. I tried to do the same thing and once Monday rolled around I seemed to be back in the unhealthy eating rut :( Then it turns into "okay I'll eat whatever I want today and then tomorrow FOR SURE I'm eating healthy" ...just that it takes a long time for tomorrow to ever get here.
    How do you find getting your groove back for the week after your weekends off?

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  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    I also say, if it's working for you and you are losing weight, then no, not bad at all! I think for a lot of people, they can get through the week on more restricted calories if they know that they can have a couple of treats on the weekend--a nice dinner out, scrumptious dessert, a couple glasses of wine, whatever (NOT binging, just having a few things they like). I know many people (my husband included) who like the idea of a day off, because it kind of surprises your metabolism and keeps it guessing. Same idea as zigzagging, kind of.

    I have been having a day off as part of my lifestyle/diet plan but I think I need to change it up. I have lost a lot of weight this way, while incorporating one day a week where I just don't worry about recording my calories. However, I am plateauing currently, so I'm wondering if a whole day off is too much for my body right now. Since it's not working for me at the moment, I'm going to try not doing it. But if it works for you, why stop? Do what works for you! Good luck! :)
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    I do the same thing. Helps me stay on track during the week. :) I don't have a scale, so I don't know how much weight I'm losing, but I definitely feel thinner and healthier, so it's working for me.
  • rontuu
    rontuu Posts: 23
    I haven't had a lot of problems getting my groove back after the weekends. My day usually starts at 5:30... Cup of coffee, light breakfast and jam to work. It does take a conscious choice at work though to either pack a healthy lunch or to eat something healthier. (Usually Subway, and staying away from any and all fast food.) What I do though is the moment I get home at 4:30 is I change and hop right on the treadmill. I actually really enjoy this as it gives me my thinking time to process everything. Mondays do take a little bit more of a mental push for me regarding motivation... But I find that if I don't allow myself a half hour to sit around and just get on the treadmill it doesn't give me a chance to create excuses. Lol. But once I'm on the treadmill it really focuses me and the rest of the day is a cinch.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Exercising helps me process a lot of the crap I hold in all the time in a more healthy fashion. I feel great afterward, and really relaxed. I might try doing "splurge" weekends once I'm down more weight, but right now I am really focusing on getting safely below 200 and keeping it off.
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    As long as you're disciplined enough to keep it to the weekends, and at 25 lbs lost it seems to be working for you, don't worry about it too much.

    I basically have the same mindset. I am really careful about what I eat Mon.-Fri. and tend to be a bit more lax on the weekends, especially Sunday. In a weird way it keeps me focused during the week because if I have a craving I say to myself "just hold on until Saturday." Sometimes the craving passes by that point, sometimes it doesn't.

    Congrats on the weight loss!
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    i splurge one day a week. I don't go crazy but at one meal, but I do indulge in the others. This weekend is a greek fest back home and I will be partaking in baklava, spanicopita, and lotsa wine!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I have been on MFP for a little over two months. The first month was really busy with traveling so I was eating out a lot so I was staying at my calorie goal as much as could but going over sometimes. I was losing weight pretty quickly. The second month I buckled down and was eating much "better" and by the end of the month my weight loss had slowed down quite a bit. Last weekend I decided to have a free weekend and Monday when I weighed in I was thrilled to see a four pound weight loss. Sometimes having higher calorie days tricks your body into letting more weight go. Besides, life is more fun when you enjoy your weekends.:happy:
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Look, you are doing FANTASTIC! Why would you ask us? Just keep it up and feel lucky that you can lose with free weekends. I would be a bimp!
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