2lb per week loss

Just something I've noticed... I used to think that losing 1lb per week would be disappointing. Afterall, you can 'safely' lose 2lbs per week apparently. HOWEVER, after 4 weeks in I seriously have no idea how you guys do it and would like to commend you all! I've lost about 1lb per week and I'm proud of every ounce of it!


  • Love62
    Love62 Posts: 18
    You should be proud of every ounce lost, that's an accomplishment. Keep up the good work!
  • rontuu
    rontuu Posts: 23
    The heavier you are at the start the easier it is. Lol. Two to three pounds used to be the normal for me. Now it's down to 1.5 as I get lower in weight. Every decrease at that weekly weigh in, however, is appreciated!

    I really need to invent a scale... I don't even need it to give me weight loss numbers. Just play the Darth Vader Star Wars theme Music if I gain weight... And bust out Sexyback by Timberlake if I go down in weight. Who needs numbers!?
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Definitely the more you have to lose the quicker you will lose it. The higher your maintenance calories and the larger the deficit you create, the more you will lose. Someone with maintenance cals of 2,500 can cut their calories by 1,000 a day and expect to lose around 2lb per week and still get a decent amount of nutrition and keep hunger at bay. But someone who has 20lbs to lose with maintenance cals of 1,800 would have to consume 800 calories a day net to get the same rate of weight loss and they are putting their health at risk by doing so. So as you can see, losing 2lbs per week is only safe when you have a lot of fat to lose in the first place.