jaquibleu Member


  • It's not something I like t do, and there are morning I'm only half awake. Thankfully I only have to walk into another room in the house to exercise. I get up at 4:45 and when it's all done, I'm so proud of myself for getting out of bed. Set out clothes, shoes, etc. the night before. Get into bed at night a little ear,…
  • I do Callanetics a couple of times a week and subscribe online, too. My problem is trying to do that, cardio, and upper body strength training in a six day week. Do you have a schedule of routine?
  • We had a very bad storm this afternoon, which left us with some broken windows and missing gutters. The power was out for about 3 hours, so no crablegs and steak tonight! After the power came on we went to McD's and right now my calories stand at 1668, which is about 300 calories short of what I am supposed to have. I'm…
  • Thanks, Kel. I was up 1.5 lbs this morning but I guess I still need to tweak my calories.
  • I love Chinese, too! There's a big buffet in my town and it has sauteed spinach and cheese, large pieces of stewed beef, and a salad bar. My favorite food of all there is the sushi bar; I would really like to try making it at home and using cauliflower instead of the rice but knowing my cooking, it would probably be…
  • I just started JUDDD this week and have been very close to my target #s. Like so many people have said, low carb alone just wasn't giving me the results I wanted, despite the exercise. We'll just see what happens, though on my up days I don't intend on stuffing myself with 'carbage'!
  • I have been overweight about 15 years and have 70 lbs to lose. I'm a slow loser because I'm building muscle weight with cardio, weights, and Callanetics. At 49, I don't expect to have a teenager's body when I'm done but believe that over time much of the excess skin will fall into place, so to speak. If not, then there's…