Change your phone number and delete your fb for a while.
Never seen it, Never will!!!!
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My number one excuse... It's clousy outside. If it's sunny then i want to move. Two: I'll go tomorrow, I have a headache vut as of tomorrow.... then tomorrow i repeat the excuse that i have a headache or it's cloudy. Now i just go. Like it or not i push myself and go!
When my son was 11 and we went to his physical his doctor kind of showed him his belly (he was a husky and im obese) and said to him "what are u going to do about this?" I was a little mad at the way the doctor approached him and didnt talk to me first but my son got so embaressed that in the next year he lost all that…
I'm, glad u beat it. I have lost my grandmother, father, 2 uncles, an aunt, and cousin to lung cancer. and my friends daughter who turned 22 last thursday just lost the battle on sunday night. She beat it 7 years ago and about a month ago it came back with a vengence. It breaks my heart as my daughter is only 19 and they…
My enough is enough moment was when I went to the hospital to get an idea about what I need to do to get barriatric surgery. My feet were always swollen, couldn't sleep anymore, didn't want to go shopping because I hurt so bad. All I wanted to do is stay in bed. Going to work became a chore and I was excusing myself by…
As a parent, I know when they're up to stuff and when it's time to see where they've been. I typically leave their stuff alone unless it's obvious they're up to something. It's like when they're 3. If they're quiet you KNOW they're up to something. Also have you heard of key catcher? It works wonders. Untill this day my…
Born and raised in Romania. Native language is Romanian. Curentlly live in Michigan, Usa
Well you did said thet when you had the surgeries they messed up your glands. that is probably the case
I buy my protein shakes at costco or sams club. it says on ir protein shakes and 30g of protein. hope this helps
Have been working out in the morning for the past 5 weeks. i used to have eggs and cheese omlet after my workouts. then i have found these protein shakes (30g protein) and i drink that on my way home from the gym. It lasts me for about 3 hours and then i have my regular breakfast. My trainer is always telling us that we…
Gping for a Cardio Blast class in 5 min. Then Work.
i think u need to eat a little more. like 1200cal per day. my doctor told me i had to eat 1500 cal per day to lose weight. I think if u dont eat more one day u will be so hungry and binge. i used to do that. other than that i think u doing well.
Health reasons. My heart couldn't handle the extra fat and my kidneys were working overtime. i was retaining so much water that even with pills i was not eliminatig it. It was hard to walk anymore because my feet were twice their size. i went for a meeting to get the gastric surgery and they told me i had to lose 10% of my…
sugar free chocolate 5pcs = 150cal. sugar free hard candies 1pcs=8cal. i do not weigh myself since i retain about 6 lbs of water which i lose once im done (lol). and veggie chips instead of regular chips. one small bag its like 130 cal. and i lo it. lots of protein and fiber. i workout at a slower pace but i still go in…
i am going thru TOM right now. I'm in pain i want raspberry chocolate cake and junk food and I DO NOT want to workout. Not to mention the hormones and stress level. So instead of doing all these things I woke up at 5:30am took some pain killers and forced myself to go workout. it was hard untill i started after that i just…
Hi, I am also 5'1 and i started at 272 lbs. I am on 1440 cal a day and i eat as close as i can to 1500 per day, on the days i work out i still try to stay at my 1500 cal range. but right after my workout i drink a protein shake i have found at costca or sams club. it has like 30g of protein and 160 cal. it keeps me full…
I'm starving when i eat apples. also when i chew mint gum:smile:
You can do it. eat a lot of healthy snacks. And plan your meals and print it off. That way when you want to eat just look at your planner and eat off the list. That is what i do on my stresfull days. I know it's a lot of work but at the end of the tunnel you won't be sorry. As for the stress... hmmm you will make it thru.…
My trainer has recommended after each workout to drink a protein shake if i can't get home to cook some eggs. He said the window your body burns the most calories are 45 minutes afer you finish your workout. i have found at costco protein shakes (30g per serving) and it tastes really good. so i drink that on my way home.
I'm going thru the same thing. But it's ok. I told my daughter to hide the scale and i'm not getting on it for two months. I dont want to know how much i weigh. If you are exercising you are building muscle and are lossing inches. I lost weight and then i gained 3 pounds. I was pissed off. But then I went to a party and…
I grew up eating chicken with skin. As a matter of fact we used to fight over it. When my mom and then the rest of us ended up with high cholesterol I gave up the skin. The skin holds the most fat and cholesterol. I don't miss it. And I don't miss pork either. I can cook anything with chicken and turkey. I use turkey for…
Hi Candence, I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto about 15 years ago. Not easy as i never know when my thyroid is working or not. My gyn doctor put me on synthroid, but when i changed familly doctors and did the tests they came back normal. so the doc stopped the meds for about 3 years at which time he realised that i do…
my daughter is 19 now. but she was not allowed to go to the mall with her friends untill she drove herself. and at 16 when she got her driver lincence i didn't buy her a car right away. so she started going with her friends around 17. and even now when she goes she texts me when she gets there and when she leaves. and now…