

  • Have you tried it with milk? Just curious cause I don't get enough calicum in my diet.
  • If you are on FB look up the Jillian Michael's Body Revolution fan page. I have been reading really good results from people on there. I ordered it this past week, so now I am patiently waiting. Like you I am a HUGE fan of Jillian.
  • I have found that if I eat a protein and a carb like apples or bananas with peanut butter I tend to not really want as much to eat after I run. Cardio of any kind generally makes me hungry, but I make myself aware of that and make sure I stick to my guns. I also usually run at like 5:30 am which gives me no room to make…
  • I have been having the same pain after pulling my hamstring, but we think most of mine caused from my Nike Shox, because that is the only time the pain is unbearable. I went to the chiropractor and had 3 hip adjustments, and that fixed it for me. He gave me several stretched to do, and I have to soak in espom salt every…
  • For me it usually depends on what it is I am doing, but I average anywhere from 450-600 calories
  • Check out this website it has lots of different mixes and you can download from it.
  • I run because before or after a long stressful day, I can feel the stress roll out of my body into my feet onto the blacktop. Makes me feel so liberated and free!
  • Go with your HRM. I am a spinning instructor and your HRM takes a lot more into consideration like your age, HR, gender. MFP like treadmills take what is based on the average persons weight.
  • My running partners and I always have a clear understanding that we are running our race. We may start together, but we don't end together and we are ok with that. If your friend has trained with you she should completely understand as everybody's levels of endurance are different no matter how long you have trained.