Sciatic nerve pain



  • Dr Oz Just did a show this week on relieving diff types of pain, and sciatic pain was one. Go online to and check for the show. He said put a tennis ball on a chair. and sit on it (where your main pain is) and keep rolling back and forth so it massages the area and breaks of the pain?? something like that. but he swears by it. Also,l Ive pulled a lower back muscle a few times a yr. I used to treat w/ Advil & heating pads. No more. My chiro had me start taking magnesium pill once a day... and if I pull the muscle I soak in Epson salt baths once a day..sometimes twice.. and a few heating pads, and it heals fast. I haven't taken an Advil or any pain meds in 4 years and I do bootcamp 3 days a week! Good luck!
  • I second the piriformis stretches, foam roller, and trips to a chiropractor. I was in so much pain after having abdominal surgery (placement of my legs in stirrups on the operating table caused mine), that I limped into the chiroprator's office...and walked out smiling. Find one that specializes in ART methods.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    See a doctor. Please don't try to self-diagnose back issues.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'd sugges chiro. I had back pain that I thought was just normal. turns out my right hip was 2 inches higher and twisted inward than the other. the DR said it was pushing on my spinal column and thats why i was getting the pain down my legs like i was. He helped me SO much!!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I had this in december minus the pain. See a doctor. Back issues can be benign, they can be annoying injuries, or they can be something nasty serious. Your doctor will be better able to diagnose your issues.
  • Moist heat helps and then ice. I had that pain and it was the worst pain I delt with - but it was severe. A chiropractor helped by massaging it out and some streching. . . just be careful and if it doesn't go away in a few days with the heat and ice I'd go see your chiropractor - preferably one that WON'T crack your back - but someone that will SOLVE the problem.
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    First and foremost, you need to be aware that sciatic pain can be caused by different factors, and only a doctor can tell you the exact source of the problem. The video I'm posting here it is based on my experience as a massage therapist and is not meant to be used or replace any prescription by a doctor. Therefore, if anyone do the following stretches is at their own risks.

    With that said, the two factors I'll referring to that can cause sciatic pain are the piriformis syndrome (tightness of the piriformis muscle) and tightness of the lower back. When the piriformis gets tight, the sciatic nerve will be trapped between the muscle and the hip bone, irritating the nerve and causing the pain. Also when there's tightness on the lower back or there is any inflammation or any other condition of any disks of the spine in the lower back area, can cause sciatic pain as well.

    So, katiezi this is a short video I had to do because I can't find the one I did at the clinic I used to work at. Sorry for the accent :bigsmile:

    MountainMamaM, you mention herniated discs, so I would highly recommend to consult with your physician before trying any stretch, you don't want to hurt yourself since a doctor, knowing the level of your condition can give you the ok for any type of therapy/treatment. Just my advice.

    Last but not least, you can also google or try youtube for more videos about sciatic pain, piriformis stretches and lower back stretches. Always be careful and pay attention to your body while performing any stretch... and if possible, warm up a little bit before doing them too.

    This is my link

    can't watch the video but agree with this entire post... piriformis is a very common cause of sciatic nerve pain. also, some warm heat on your low back and buttocks might help to loosen it up before you stretch.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    can't watch the video but agree with this entire post... piriformis is a very common cause of sciatic nerve pain. also, some warm heat on your low back and buttocks might help to loosen it up before you stretch.

    Can't watch it because you don't have access to youtube now or because it is unavailable? I tried the link without being signed in to my account and it worked.
  • I dealt with Sciatic pain for 12 years due to a herniated disk @ L5-S1 caused by an old baseball injury. It ruptured in 2005 and I had surgery. While stretches, therapy, chiropractic, etc. are all great solutions for the right case I highly recommend getting it checked by an MD.

    I have happily been pain free and active again for 6 years now!!
  • Definately not a road I would like to go down anymore, really painful, couldn't walk, had a week off work, no choice but too rest.

    Mine was due to poor circulation, just woke up one day and I couldn't get out of bed, nothing. So I started to do a lot of stretching before and after exercising and my secret weapon that works for me, skins, when I train( I would wear them under my work uniform if I could, actually I have once.) Each to their own.

    Best present I have ever received!
  • When I was an aide in a nursing home, I would get bad sciatic pain if I put in too many hours, but couldn't afford to take off work. I would leave limping...literally. I went to a massage therapist and that helped me soooo much.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    See a doctor. Please don't try to self-diagnose back issues.
    Yep. See a professional. Nothing to mess with.

    I had mine fixed by a chiropractor a few years back. He dug into the nerve with his elbow, then gave me an adjustment and I haven't had trouble since.
  • sharishopalot
    sharishopalot Posts: 82 Member
    May not be what you want to hear, but you could try a chiropractor. My sciatic pain woke me up almost every night/morning at 4 a.m. for about 4 months. I finally went to the chiro and it helped immediately. It only flares up once in a while now.

    YES YES YES... I went to the Chiro the other day and wham he helped me walk again.. I'm now in love.. :laugh:
    GO TO THE CHIRO!!! You won't be sorry!!
  • This is a video showing an excellent stretch for sciatic pain, it was very helpful to me, hope it helps you too:
  • Have you tried using the foam roller? It helps break up adhesions and such... it has really helped me with a troublesom quad, and my sciatic nerve pain...
    What is a foam roller?
  • I have been having the same pain after pulling my hamstring, but we think most of mine caused from my Nike Shox, because that is the only time the pain is unbearable. I went to the chiropractor and had 3 hip adjustments, and that fixed it for me. He gave me several stretched to do, and I have to soak in espom salt every couple of days.
  • Elusion74
    Elusion74 Posts: 2
    Great info on the sciatic nerve! Thanks!! I've had my pain for 3 weeks now, uhhhhg. Still stretching and going to a chiropractor next week. Definitely need some relief....