the8BitGirl Member


  • This is such a fantastic idea, thank you for sharing that!
  • They asked for a review, which I provided earlier in the thread. Perhaps you'd care to read it, and then come back to resume our banter? :)
  • By continuing in the same way I have been handling it thus far, by not shooting down the experiences others have and respecting the fact the everybody responds differently to changes in their diet.
  • This whole thread is full of people who are doing nothing but 'woo'ing every post that sounds like the poster had even remotely positive results from a vlcd. If you tried it and it didn't work for you, that's fine - we're all made differently, YMMV and all that. But all I keep seeing are people saying that just because it…
  • The point is usually regulating your blood sugar levels (avoiding massive peaks and valleys) for the vast majority of the time, so that you minimize cravings triggered by sugar crashes. That doesn't mean you have to stay in ketosis 100% of the time to get the benefits of a ketogenic lifestyle.
  • Hopefully you already understand that keto isn't magic, and that you absolutely 100% need to maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight. But if you are thinking of trying keto, it is useful to know before you start whether you find carbs, protein or fat the most satiating. If you're a carby person, keto is not going to be…
  • Ugh, same here. I go through bouts where I exercise every day, and it makes me happy closing all my rings on my Apple watch. But it's Winter here in NZ, and it has been an unreasonably cold and wet one so far. My lack of motivation coupled with not enough sunlight just makes me want to curl up on the couch. I'm finding it…
  • Definitely this. I am currently seeing a Physiotherapist because of nerve compression which causes pain in my right shoulder, and numbness in my right thumb and part of my forearm. Caused by my own stupidity/lifting heavy and not paying attention to my form. My physio keeps poking at the discs at the top of my spine, and…
  • When I was researching treatments for broken capillaries, I came across mention of topical treatments on the market containing horse chestnut extract, which has apparently been shown to help with varicose veins in clinical trials. Source.
  • "Comparison is the thief of joy." - Theodore Roosevelt
  • If you'd like to try your hand at making your own mayo, you could always use aquafaba to make it vegan. :)
  • I had incredibly sore hips when I first started walking, going from utterly sedentary to only very lightly active. The muscles just seemed to be sore/tight all the time. It got a lot better for me when I started doing squats under load and developed my glutes, hamstrings and quads a bit. I have read that atrophied weak…
  • What the actual... *googles immediately*
  • Lift heavy things. Honestly, I wasted so many years with hours of pointless cardio and had nothing to show for it. Lifting that actually taxes you conditions your cardiovascular system very effectively. Wish I knew that when I was younger. Oh well. :smile:
  • Blue cheese and strawberry jam on toast - a match made in culinary heaven!
  • I also crave salty/crisp things. My advice: avoid too much sodium as much as possible and opt for things like apples with salted peanut butter or radishes with hummus. You're likely already retaining more water than usual because of your cycle - adding a ton of sodium just makes for sad times when you weigh in. :neutral:
  • My husband is super attractive, and is in really great shape. The turning point for me was walking around town with him and watching women look at him with that 'Wow, he's cute' look, only for their gaze to shift to me and change to 'Why on earth is he with her?' If I never see that look again it will be too soon.
  • So many early starters! I find the idea of seeing the little hand on the 4 twice in one day absolutely abhorrent. My husband and I work for the same company. His shifts change often from very early to very late and I am allowed to work whenever he does, so we don't have a regular routine. Sometimes I get to go for my beach…
  • Gosh, I understand what this feels like! When I first started lifting, I really struggled with OH presses. I mean, I would literally curse under my breath all the way through my 5x5 sets. A couple of weeks ago I caught myself thinking 'Hey, this isn't so bad.' Seeing actual strength gains has turned it into something I can…
  • I used to suffer from these stupid cramps almost nightly. So painful! Would go from being dead to the world to wide awake in agony. Magnesium taken daily has helped me. I didn't even realise it would help for cramps, I just took magnesium and potassium because I was on keto and was told I should. I no longer supplement…
  • I used to be a Garmin girl until I got a Watch a couple of months ago. My watch tracks my strength training, and does it really accurately in my experience. Also as others have mentioned it is waterproof, which is a huge deal for me. I can also control my 3rd party fitness apps (like Jefit) as well as my music. Love it!
  • I am super-lucky where I live in New Zealand that my city's tap water comes from natural aquifers which provide some of the best untreated water to be found anywhere. :)
  • Everything on a SheFit is velcro adjustable, including the wide rib cage strap. It has little zip covers at the top and bottom, preventing the zip from sliding down and digging into you. Size 2Luxe has gone with me from 38G (admittedly, a bit of a tight fit!) all the way down to the 34G I am currently at. It'll last me a…
  • That's some dedication. Well done! :smile:
  • Op, I just wanted to send some good vibes your way and wish you good luck with the new information this thread has now armed you with. I was also a staunch low-carber for a very long time, and I have keto to thank for helping me to overcome cravings and blood sugar high/lows. I never consistently lost weight eating almost…
  • On Keto it's a good idea to supplement with magnesium, potassium and extra sodium. This will negate the dreaded keto flu and get rid of the cramping too. There's heaps of information online about homemade 'keto-ade'. :)
  • I have a Vivosmart, which I adore. Besides the obvious (tracking, etc) I find the notifications display incredibly handy - I have stopped hauling my phone out of my pocket every time it buzzes, because my band shows me if it is an important notification (like a text) or something I can ignore until later (like Twitter or…
  • Hi there, I have about 80-ish pounds to go until my goal. Feel free to add me too, I'm looking for more MFP friends, especially those LCHF peeps out there. :)
  • Mine's been unable to sync all day too. A ton of people just got back from holiday and started synching their new trackers. The servers probably weren't prepared for this. I'm sure Garmin will sort it soon.
  • Gosh you're lovely - before and after! :) Grats on your progress, you're doing great!