What Is Your Morning Routine?



  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    approx 6:15 wake up, often by Act of Cat.
    Go to loo. Brush teeth. Weigh.
    6:20 Feed cats. Make tea. Make breakfast (usually either fruit-and-yogurt, or porridge)
    6:30 Leisurely breakfast in bed
    6:50 Oh crap, I'm going to be late
    7:15 Grab lunch (prepared previous night) and snacks, leave house
    7:26 Find comfy place to stand on train
    8:55 Get off train, buy ticket I didn't have time to get before getting on, start walking
    9:30 Arrive! Coffee...
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    6am wakeup
    618am really wakeup
    go to work
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    515 wake up, brush teeth, get ready for gym, etc
    545 leave for gym
    715 get home from gym, make protein shake, eat something
    720 shower, get ready for work
    8 leave for work
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Interesting that those who work outside the home tend to think of the end of their morning routine at the point they leave for work.
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    Up at 4 - dress for gym, fix cup of coffee, and throw my lunch in my bag
    4:15 - walking out the door with my first cup of coffee
    5:00 - gym for an hour
    6:00 - shower time
    6:30 - at my desk enjoying a cup of coffee
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Interesting that those who work outside the home tend to think of the end of their morning routine at the point they leave for work.

    i say that...only because when i get to work - i never know what to expect, so my mornings are a routine of the unroutine ;)
  • awatkin9348
    awatkin9348 Posts: 1 Member
    A lot of early morning people.....if I wake up a 4am I think 'great! Another 2 hours before my alarm goes off'.....then turn over and go back to sleep!
    I envy your dedication to early morning exercise....one day (maybe!) That will be me
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I work from home, and am not going to share my (lack of) morning routine.

    (I make up for it at tax time, though.)
  • melissarose4
    melissarose4 Posts: 15 Member
    6:00 wake up & stumble to shower (after hitting a snooze on the alarm that goes off at 5:50)
    6:30 dressed, make-up, hair and nudge husband out of bed as I flip on lights and the local news
    6:45 wake baby and dress for daycare, feed if fussy
    7:00 wake toddler and begin battle of picking clothes that somewhat match, brushing teeth that don't want brushed, and convincing her to wear shoes
    7:10 grab quick bite for toddler (always hungry despite daycare feeding breakfast too) as I toss an egg in the pan for my breakfast
    7:20 hustle husband and kids out the door
    7:30 wrap up a couple chores if time - put away dishes, make a bed, or toss some toys into a bin
    Head to work with coffee and shovel egg into mouth as I rush out the door (if I had time to cook it!)
    HA - mornings are crazy! And evenings just as crazy or more! life with little ones and a full time job
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I have 3 morning routines:

    None training days
    0745 silent alarm goes off
    0800 phone alarms goes off & get up
    0802 bathroom & weigh in
    0805 Powdered Greens and OJ shake, pull any prepped packed lunch out of fridge
    0810 get clean/dressed
    0825 ideally be out the door to walk to work
    0830 actually walk out the door
    0900ish get to work
    0930 multivit, supplements & breakfast.

    Training Days
    0515 silent alarm goes off
    0540 phone alarm goes off and get up
    0545 bathroom & weigh in
    0550 Powdered Greens and OJ shake, pull any prepped packed lunch out of fridge
    0600 get clean/dressed
    0615 walk to boat club
    0700 get boats off stands and out on the water
    0715 6-7km row
    0815 boats back to club and returned to stands
    0830 walk to work
    0840 use work shower and change
    0850 into office and vits/breakfast.

    Normal Weekend
    0900/30 wake up
    Bathroom/Weigh in
    Powdered green shake
    Workout gear on
    10 Min warm up on exercise bike
    5 Min mobility warm up
    35 Min Strength Training
    5 Min Yoga/Stretching
    1 hour housework
    Shower and Change
    Brunch around 11:30/12:00
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Interesting that those who work outside the home tend to think of the end of their morning routine at the point they leave for work.

    i say that...only because when i get to work - i never know what to expect, so my mornings are a routine of the unroutine ;)

    Mine are pretty boring after I get to work.
    8:00 Do a LOT of paperwork, talk with clients, drink water.
    9:30 Look at facebook, check email, post on the internets.
    10:00 Meeting, usually.
    10:45 More internet, deep instagram trance, online shopping, drink more water.
    11:30 Go home for lunch with hubby.

  • the8BitGirl
    the8BitGirl Posts: 38 Member
    So many early starters! I find the idea of seeing the little hand on the 4 twice in one day absolutely abhorrent.

    My husband and I work for the same company. His shifts change often from very early to very late and I am allowed to work whenever he does, so we don't have a regular routine. Sometimes I get to go for my beach walk or gym session before work, sometimes it has to wait until I get back. My circadian rhythm is a mess. >.>

  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Wake up at 5 am
    Get kids ready for school
    Run to catch subway to the hospital
  • nickiwalsh5
    nickiwalsh5 Posts: 11 Member
    7:30 wake up, toilet, chill on social media for a while
    7:45 make kids/my lunches
    8:00 get dressed, brush teeth, apply makeup
    8:20 drop kids to school and drive to work
    9:00 start work

    I'd love to work out in the morning but I am a horrible morning person!
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Hair washing days:
    Wake at 6:00, hit snooze
    Get out of bed at 6:15, stumble to bathroom, stumble downstairs to weigh myself
    Give anxious dog anxiety meds, wake up bird
    Shower, brush teeth, minimal makeup, dry hair, put on clothes, get out lunch, drink coffee
    Feed dogs, short dog walks, morning chat/head scratches/salad offerings with bird
    7:30 or 7:45 walk to subway or grab bus
    8:30 Work, drink bottle of water, drink more coffee

    Other days:
    Same, but wake at 6:10 and get out of bed at 6:25

    Stay in bed as late as possible, usually 9:00
    Drink coffee on couch or outside, feed and play with dogs and bird
    Get stressed out about state of house/dog hair/dishes and start cleaning spree
  • idabest777
    idabest777 Posts: 97 Member
    7:50 wake up
    8:00 bathroom, teeth, face, hair, makeup, clothes
    8:15 pack my food for the day, usually 50-75% prepped already, make coffee
    8:20 or 8:30 depending on how much food work i had to do, off to work.
    9:00 coffee, internet, work
    10:30 small breakfast

    I'm very much not a morning person and have found that I also perform much better during my evening workouts at around 8 or 9pm so I never bother with any of that in the morning.
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    4:00 get up
    4:01 go to toilet
    4:05 Make Preworkout drink, down it and wait to wake up
    4:30 hit the it home gym either weights or cardio day dependant
    6:00 Finish workout +30mins if over running and empty dishwasher until -
    6:30 go see daughter and get her up
    6:35 Shower
    7:15 leave for work, either run or cycle in
    8:00-12:00 possible breakfast depending if I am IFing or not

  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    5:30 Alarm goes off
    5:40 Actually wake up
    6:00 CrossFit
    7:10 Play music, get ready, breakfast
    8:30 Leave for work
  • amlelas68
    amlelas68 Posts: 69 Member
    5:30 Wake up/weigh and take Thrive capsules(step 1)
    5:35 Make up hair
    6:00 Take steps 2,3 of my thrive routine & make lunch
    6:15 unload dishwasher
    6:15-6:35 light exercised
    6:40 Leave for work
    7:30 Start work.