ElyMaeOR Member


  • You aren't having any issues with your apple watch? I have the charge hr and I was thinking of upgrading to the apple watch but I was worried with it being the first release that it would be glitchy.
  • I am in! Current weight 253 Goal weight 225 I know it is 28lbs but if I do not push myself I will slack off. :-P
  • That looks yummy! What is in it?
  • Mmmmmmm I will have to try that. I love peanut butter! :-P
  • I love egg mcmuffins! LOL :-D
  • I think it depends on how much you have to lose. When I was first starting out I easily lost 7-8lbs per week and I was following all the instructions on weight watchers. Then when I got closer to goal, I would only lose 2lbs a week or sometimes not any at all. Everybody says 1-2lbs per week but I think ultimately it is…
  • "You are trying to lose weight? So what do you eat... Salad?"
  • Ely Mae is my nickname and I'm originally from Portland, OR. :)
  • I certainly would. I have lost 163lbs to date and no matter how much I exercise I cannot get rid of the excess skin. It is disgusting and makes me feel like my weight loss effort is a waste. As a side note... Braces are the best thing that could have happened to me and I recommend them to people with teeth issues, for your…
  • If you are eating more veggies you might be bloated from the excess fiber!
  • Good for you!! The same thing happened to me. I lost 163lbs and reached my goal weight. I was happy and thought I could go back to my old eating habits. Wrong! Now I am up 22lbs from goal and I am struggling to lose it. But I know we can do this!!
  • I can't buy cinnamon toast crunch cereal anymore because I will eat the whole box... Even the family size. :-/
  • I think that weighing in too often can be discouraging because the body fluctuates so much. If you eat right and exercise then there is no need to watch the scale!! Weighing in once a month is a great idea and that is what I do myself. Good luck to you! You are going to do great!
  • Welcome. I am so glad you are here and ready to start your weight loss journey! I understand all too well how you are feeling right now but I know that you can do this! Good luck!!
  • I didn't know that we were allowed to eat our exercise calories. That's cool! So nobody has gained by doing this???
  • My doctor actually told me to consume more caffeine because my heart rate is really low and I black out. I think you probably will have to decide your caffienne consumption by what is best for you. My husband cannot have a lot of caffeine because it keeps him from falling/staying asleep. Everybody is different! Since we…
    in Caffeine? Comment by ElyMaeOR March 2011
  • You have to learn to say no. There will always be people around that are not good influences, but you have to be strong. I know it is hard. My husband is thin and eats whatever the heck he wants. It's frustrating that I'm jogging on the treadmill and he is sitting on the couch watching tv. Unfortunately you just have to…