
I have a saboteur in my midst! Sort of. My husband and I both admit we need to lose some weight. I cook majority of the time and I try to cook relatively healthy (baked chicken, fish, veggies salad). And when I go to the store I buy whole grain wheat, chicken, fish (all the stuff to make healthy meals). My husband actually always talking about how much weight he has gained, need to lose weight, his clothes dont fit right, etc.... So WHY does he go to the store and buy : Oreos, ice cream (not even frozen yogurt of fat free ANYTHING), steakums, tatertots, frozen junk. I feel like its sabotage. And I cannot complain how my *kitten* doesnt look right in jeans because he beats me to it with a dialog about his *kitten*. I tried to do the buddy system with him to work out. It was a short lived collaboration. We jogged together once and he goaded me, called me slow, criticized how long I was taking and the way I jogged from beginning to end. He doesnt jog very often, but is better at it than I am. I perfer to go to the gym and use the elliptical, bike and stairstepper, where I usually plug in headphones and block out everything. I do better that way, and dont think I am "there" yet with a good run.

Question: How do I get him to stop buying junk after I have asked nicely and refrain from tossing a half gallon of cookies and cream which miraculously appeared in the freezer at him??


  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    I don't know if you can........I have the same kind of situation and I just got to the point where I realized that I can't control what he eats, but I can do something about what I eat. I focus on myself and cook meals for myself. If he's not ready to change you can't really do much. It's hard to have these things around all the time though! it is now easy for me to just keep on walking past the junk......and after awhile it even stops tasting good. I don't know if this helps at all......but for me I just had to stop worrying about him, this time it's all about me!!......good luck on your journey!
  • ElyMaeOR
    ElyMaeOR Posts: 17 Member
    You have to learn to say no. There will always be people around that are not good influences, but you have to be strong. I know it is hard. My husband is thin and eats whatever the heck he wants. It's frustrating that I'm jogging on the treadmill and he is sitting on the couch watching tv. Unfortunately you just have to accept it and move on. You have to lose the weight for you, not for him. If he doesn't want to put in the effort then he can sit back and watch your success. You will feel better about yourself, and be a stronger person when you get over this hurdle!!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    My husband is the big cookie/ice cream feen. I love icecream too, but I have found this is what helped us. I bought some small plastic bowls from ikea. They are perfect for a cup of anything, whether it be fruit or icecream. When he goes for the tub of icecream, remind him of the bowls and have him put it in there. I find with my husband, if its in front of him, he will eat it. If a cup of icecream is there instead of the tub, he doesn't end up going back for more.

    Oh and when we go grocery shopping, I control the junk. He can have his box of cookies, but if he decides he wants chips then he has to put the cookies back. This way HE can decide what he would really like more.