

  • I find it funny, everyone seems to be assuming that the OP was just welching "free" wifi. All they said was that they didn't get the fatty drink they love. Maybe they had a water or such. Way to assume the negatives!
  • Another trick to add is to have little to no food in the house. just stuff that you have to prepare for meals and maybe 1 or 2 snacks. I'm going through a divorce myself, so this plus exercising when feeling emotional, as opposed to eating has been what's been working for me. In addition to emotional eating, I'm a boredom…
  • Actually they havefound that cardio after lifting does have some extra benefit, so doing it on lift days is good. Adding cardio to you non-lift days as well will give you a better boost, but vary it from day to day: bike mon, treadmill tues, elliptical wed, rest thur, then just cycle thru again. If you can't do…
  • Another thing that may bother your friend is something of a trend when some people lose weight. The changes can be positive, but there can also be negatives. Some people when they lose weight become cocky or judgemental ( like the harshest critics of smokers are ex-smokers). I have had friends whose significant other…
  • As long as you stay within your calorie limit andyou're getting the nutrition you need, then even a daily treat won't throw you off. In fact a small indulgence as a reward can help keep you motivated and less tempted to "fall off the wagon" and binge.
  • If you google army body fat calculator and get the one from the website that is pretty much the one the army has used for about 100 years. There are more accurate ones, but without an actual nutritionist or trainer, then it's the most consistent
  • I think one of the main problems is that what motivated us in the beginning was hate for what our bodies became. So now any accomplishment won't be enough. The thing that helps me is I've begun ignoring the mirror and it's images and now try to push execise goals to be happy with. As I achieve those goals I feel better,…
  • One thing you might try is "toddler curls", where you pick up one of your small children then curl them to your body in reps of tens. You can then move on to toddler presses. The kids love this and will insist on it after a while. So it helps burn the stress and increases bonding with your kids. For more activities like…