

  • Yes, same here. My weight loss goal is the same as yours (17 lbs) and the closer I get, the slower I lose. The body just doesn't seem to like to give up those last pounds. All we can do is just keep with it and know that we are continuing to live a healthy lifestyle even if the scale is fighting us.
  • Don't get discouraged...I expect we've all been there! The biggest thing for me was to simply build my workouts into my day. I set everything I need to workout the night before as well as prepare for what I need for the day (pack lunch, etc.) Sometimes I just roll out of bed and put on my workout clothes half asleep! lol…
  • Not baked cinnamon apples really...but sometimes for a quick dessert for myself I just slice an apple, sprinkle on a little Splenda & cinnamon, cover and microwave for a minute or two. Good with yogurt too!
  • I totally agree with you. It's funny how people look for a quick fix or think there is something better out there (usually with a price tag) when it really is quite simple...eat healthy food and exercise. Looks like it has been working for you so far. Good luck on your journey!
  • When you snack try to have a little bit of protein & fat with your carbs so you will feel more satisfied. For example a piece of fruit with a scant handful (around 9) walnuts or cashews, or a slice of cheese.
  • Your story is like many others...you are not alone. You are so brave to be sharing...it shows that you really want help. I don't know where you live, but there is help available. Check out the internet for resources in your area. Here is one: http://helpguide.org/mental/eating_disorder_treatment.htm You can do this! You…
  • I've heard that successful weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. Exercise is important to be healthy. Someone can be at their goal weight but have poor muscle to fat ratio. People who exercise tend to do a better job of maintaining their goal weight as well.
  • There is a hot yoga place right next to my gym and it seems really popular. I thought I'd try it on a 1 week trial and ended up going twice, but decided that it wasn't for me, You sure do sweat a lot, but so does everyone else and it was kinda gross watching the sweat drip off of people while they were in their poses.…
    in Hot Yoga? Comment by eannes October 2010
  • I use a HR monitor at the gym and find the cardio equipment consistently shows a higher calorie burn---probably an average of 30% higher. I think that is one of the reasons why people don't understand why they aren't losing weight when they seem to be working out so hard. It's really unfair!
  • Go prepared! Check out their menu on their website: http://www.dennys.com/LiveImages/enProductImage_690.pdf Good luck!
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