Denny's Help!!!

MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
Okay, so tomorrow night, I'm going to be going to to Denny's for dinner with friends. I really don't want to ruin all the great prgress I've made this week, and so I'm asking for your guys' help.
I don't have time to exercise tomorrow, so I can't get any extra calories from that, and I have no clue what really is healthy from Denny's. I also don't want to skip the dinner, as it is an "integral part of the team-building process" for the group I am in.

So, any suggestions?


  • rlshirk74
    It might take some time, but if you go to their website, they have nutrition facts on most of their foods. If nothing else, maybe try eating a salad and bring your own dressing.
  • eannes
    eannes Posts: 11
    Go prepared! Check out their menu on their website:
    Good luck!
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm thinking about getting 2 pancakes, which is about 340 calories. Is that a good idea?
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    I used to work at Denny's. Eating healthy there is a challenge. They had a thing called the "slim slam" that we all used to joke about. It had about a 1000 calories in it...a big hunk of ham, white pancakes covered with fruit syrup. I guess because there was no butter or bacon they had the nerve to call it "slim" .

    Salad's are not a bad choice. I think they have a veggie burger that is probably OK. Also during the day you can eat foods a little lower in calories but not starve yourself...lean protein, raw veggies or salad, veggie based soup. Then you have your calories to "spend" at night.

    Also, keep in mind that this is not a regular occasion, and that you are not really choosing to go out or choosing the restaurant. If you eat a little more than usual just get right back to your usual meals ASAP and it will even all out in the long run. As they say "progress not perfection".

    Have fun! Good luck!
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    Pancakes may work for you but I know if I ate only white flour with syrup I would be really hungry and irritable within about an hour. Maybe add an egg or two? But that is just me...
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    Pancakes may work for you but I know if I ate only white flour with syrup I would be really hungry and irritable within about an hour. Maybe add an egg or two? But that is just me...

    Just checked the website. Maybe some of the "fit fare" items? Chicken sandwich? Veggies and dip?
  • katlew82
    I thought they had a tilapia dinner that was pretty ok, and low in calories... You can always ask them not to bring the greasy dinner bread, and switch the rice for more veggies or something? Also, I think on their salads you can ask for a half portion, and that will cut down the calories a lot too...