having trouble sticking to it.

So...I've been on MFP for a two weeks tomorrow, and I have to admit that I am struggling. I don't really know what else to say but I am struggling. Week one was amazing, and week 2 started out ok...then went down hill fast. I have not made my calorie goals very much this week, barely worked out at all. I don't have an excuse, life just happens. That's how I got fat. Life just happened. I don't know why I am so tired or why I cannot stay motivated. I'm beyond frustrated that I can't seem to keep myself going. I am desperately trying to make a change, so why can't I stick with it?


  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I think you nailed it, "...life happens..."
    the difference is that THIS need to be the life that happens...

    we must prioritize, otherwise, we fall back into the same old, bad routines

    don't beat yourself, it's not about keeping yourself motivated....really....it's really about doing the right thing for yourself and those that love you, that you influence with positive action. plan it,
    do it, keep it simple, and keep it real. nothing is as important than being the best you.

  • eannes
    eannes Posts: 11
    Don't get discouraged...I expect we've all been there!
    The biggest thing for me was to simply build my workouts into my day.
    I set everything I need to workout the night before as well as prepare for what I need for the day (pack lunch, etc.)
    Sometimes I just roll out of bed and put on my workout clothes half asleep! lol
    After awhile my body just got used to the routine and now it is so much easier.
    Hang in there!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Keep trying to stick to it, dont give up!! Dont let that one bad snack, or meal slip up. Dont say I'll get back to it tomorrow - stop right after that one meal/snack and get right back on track!

    Not sure if you have a lot of friends on here yet.. but I find that having friends here motivates me to work out. When I see that ____ burned _____ calories doing such an such exercise it really gives me a boost to get off my butt. If they can do it so can I. Just have to make the time for it - and plan ahead!!!

    THis weight gain didnt happen over night, so its not going to come off overnight. Its something that you need to stick with. Dont deny yourself those treats, allow them but in moderation (i.e one serving). Those extra calories burned exercising will entitle you to a little treat every now and than guilt free!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • juberry
    juberry Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I just wanted to offer some support. My experience has been that it's not easy to stick to a set program. It looks good at the beginning and then becomes a bore. I recommend finding a huge variety of low calorie, low fat foods that you enjoy eating, some new, some old. One of my favorites is a bowl of lowfat ice cream at 120 calories. Small meals and snacks throughout the day. Things like apples are low calorie, super nutritious, and fill you up. A meal with a bit of added fat, like shredded cheese, can be more satisfying than just "diet food". A great way to boost your metabolism and burn calories is to work out, walk, ride a bike, whatever you can do to keep moving. Do crunches on the living room floor while watching tv. Keep yourself busy reading what I call "motivational materials": Women's Health, Shape, Fitness, Self magazines.

    I have been keeping a food journal for the past year. That works for me. Just sitting there writing things down helps a lot. And if there's a slip then you just get back to it and keep going the next day. I've read many times that a huge pitfall is when a dieter goes on a bender and then figures, "what the heck, I've ruined it" and it's really not all ruined. You just begin again the next day or the next meal.

    Good luck! It's a mindset, so find that place in your mind and stay firm. The rewards are tremendous. A small amount of food you love is a treat. Make every calorie count.

  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    Well, I think the answer would be different for everyone...but I have been where you are SOOOOO many times. I had learned that many overweight people, including myself, use their weight as a shield so to speak...like we are hiding from attention. In my case, every time I made some progress and people started to notice and make comments...I would like start going down hill. It was almost like I was afraid of success instead of afraid of failure. Truth is, I just freaked out because of the attention. It was like now that they noticed I started losing weight I will have to live up to some expectation that I may not be able to live up to.

    It is so much easier to revert to the "old way" of eating and exercising...then to push and really make an effort to change your lifestyle. It is a commitment. One that I FINALLY made, and this time for the right reasons!!!!!!! That is another big obstacle...WHY are you losing weight?? Is it for YOU?? We can do so much for others, but unless we start with taking care of ourselves, we are of no use to anyone.

    The last thought was that when you mess up or have a bad meal or a bad day....leave it as that....a bad day, and get back on track the next day. We all have our moments...it is just about balance...there will be good days and bad days. Just like tonight...I should be working out right now, but I have housework to do so I am on the computer. LOL Way to get stuff done.

    Anyway, just my two cents.....I know I am just one person, but hey, we have all been there!!

  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    Life happens to us all. I think the difference between those who become successful and meet their goals and those who don't is that they don't let bad weeks or disappointments throw them off. Don't get discouraged and keep it up! Everyone slips up. I have many times but still acknowledge it and get back on the horse. You can do it!
  • andretti
    Yes we do all go through low points on this journey but don't give up, the fact that you are writing for support shows that you arn't ready to give up. If you slip up just remember how good you feel when you do something positive and that should help you get back on track, I have many days when I have to make myself get on that treadmill and sweat and results are not as fast as they used to be but my motto is do nothing get nowhere and I'm tired of hating myself for being 30 pounds overweight. I watch bulging brides and the last ten pounds for motivation while i'm working out, really helps! We didn't gain it in a week and won't lose it in a week! Yes, you can do it!
  • ovgirl
    ovgirl Posts: 4
    I just started week 2. Lost 3 lbs in first week so that has me motivated. For now at least. He's the clincher though, and it drives me crazy...it's a catch 22. We feel tired, so we don't want to exercise, but when we exercise we get more energy. I just hate that. Especially because it is true, for me.

    So, you've have a few bad days...use all the positive replies you have here to get back in the game. If you're here and reaching out for help, then all is not lost.

    Please post tomorrow after you do your exercise regimen and let us know how you are doing!
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    Oh, that ever elusive motivation! That’s the thing that makes us take the first step, but only habit can make us continue, and it’s the time between motivation and habit that is the killer! Just push through sweetie, and every time you are feeling down or unmotivated jump on here. It will take a few weeks for your exercise and eating plans to become second nature but once it does, you will enjoy every second of it!

    Good luck!
  • B47Jane
    B47Jane Posts: 4 Member
    Great suggestions from everyone! I would add figure in ALL your activities--cleaning house, raking the lawn. You may be earning more calories than you think.
  • lisapooh1
    Hello! I know exactly how you feel. I would suggest that you find someone to be accountable to. I am accountable to my husband, and I don't wont to disappoint him so he ask me everyday " Did you exercise today"? and it would kill me to say "NO" lol.... I would suggest that if you want to. Just don't give up you are beautiful and you have to start there....baby steps and stay focused. Make a chart and use markers and stickers anything to make it exciting.......You can do it!!!! email me, if you want to talk.